Get SCGT.. all the new stuff and the patches just make it totally worth while..
The Advanced Options Editor DOES work with the 1.5 patch.. and that is really all
you need
The new***pits look great.. so get any of those you like.. The news sounds
are pretty good. but unfortunately the best ones (Andrew Laird's GT1 !.2 patch)
don't work when you are racing online. UNLESS all ppl have them.. but get
either Big Bens or rrevveds.. they are pretty good..
I don't know about the FF stuff :-( All I know is that I can't get it to work
with Dual axis. but some ppl can.. I have to run single axis.. which works
GREAT tho..
As far as FPS goes. more the better just like any sim. I have a 416 cpu with
V2 SLI.. I run 1024 x 768 but it isn't the graphics that slow it. it is the
CPU.. I need about a 450 - 500 to run 16 cars smooth. BUT.. 9 - 10 runs
GREAT.. and that is OK..
I 200mmx with a V1 would go fine for a while. you could do almost everything.
turn the detail down. and should be great.
But you will want the high detail.. looks great.. better than GPL IMO
Check it out....
James Pickard,
> After just convincing myself to buy SCGT for the PIII450/V3 I'm getting, I've
> read about all sorts of framerate issues on top end machines. The demo
> doesn't run -that- bad on my non-MMX P200/V1 so what's the deal? Are they FF
> problems? If so I'm not bothered because I'm not going to bin my current
> setup for FF at any point soon. I've also read that a patch that was supposed
> to improve matters actually made them worse... What the hell do I do? I
> enjoy the demo with the patched physics (still can't get dual axis to work)
> but I'm not going to spend my hard earned on a product that won't run
> properly...
> Hmmm.
> Go ahead and -hope- for a fix?
> Suggestions aprpreciated.
> Mark
> Reading, UK
> Sent via
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