Thanks for the tip Zolli. Unfortunately, the two wheels don't seem to
function very well together in Nascar 3. The following is an email reply I
made to another fella who is trying to help me. Maybe it will shed some
clues as to what should be tried:
First, thanks for replying to my post =). Not too many people seem to be in
the same dilemma as me and thus aren't very interested in the problem.
Thanks for your help =).
Unfortunately, I'm having a little trouble following you as far as setting
up the pedals. Here is what I would like to be able to do with this setup in
Nascar3. I'd like to use the LWFF wheel for steering as well as the shift
levers on that wheel for shifting. Also, I would like to use the pedals from
the MSFF for acceleration and braking.
The MSFF wheel (and pedals) will simply not function (for me anyway) using
any other controller ID than ID1. Every attempt to change the ID number for
the MSFF fails. If I manually change the ID to something other than ID1 a
"ghost" controller will show up in the newly assigned ID number but the
properties window says it isn't connected. Meanwhile, there will still be a
MSFF wheel shown in ID1 that "is connected". Also, if I was following you
correctly I was to somehow assign a separate ID number to the MSFF pedals by
themselves. I'm not really sure how this is accomplished since the pedals
have to be connected to the wheel in order to function. Any suggestions?
As far as the LWFF wheel is concerned, it seems to function fine with
whatever ID I assign to it. But whether it's using ID2 or ID3 doesn't seem
to change how it is used in N3. Using the default setup of the MSFF wheel in
ID1 and the LWFF wheel in ID2, the LWFF wheel functions alright and the MSFF
pedals work as well but I can't seem to get any of the buttons or the shift
levers on the LWFF wheel to work. But, the buttons and shift levers on the
MSFF work just fine. The obvious problem at this point is what good is it to
use the LWFF wheel if the paddles and buttons on that wheel are useless =(.
Arrrrrgh. Any clues?
Again thanks for any suggestions you might have.
Bud Bird
aka Budness
> > Ok. I realize this has been discussed before but I don't recall ever
> seeing
> > a definite answer either way on this subject. I have both a MSFF wheel
> a
> > LWFF wheel. I much prefer the pedals of the MSFF but at the same time
> prefer
> > the wheel of the LWFF. I saw a fella here claiming he was able to
> > use his LWFF wheel along with his CH Pro pedals in N3. Huh? The LWFF is
> > hooked up to the USB port and the pedals are hooked to the game port on
> his
> > SBLive!
> > Is it or is it not possible to use multiple controllers in N3? I was
> > the impression that N3 only recognizes ID1 in the joystick properties in
> > Win95/98. If this is in fact the case it begs the question why on earth
> did
> > Papy see fit to give an older game like GPL such robust controller
> > (multiple controllers) but didn't see fit to do the same for N3 and NL?
> > Any revelations on this subject would be greatly appreciated =)
> > Bud Bird
> > aka Budness
> AFAIK N3 does recognize 2 controllers.
> Remember, it always recognizes 2 axises and 2 bottons of your wheel as
> 'controller1' and the other 2 as 'controller2', even if you use only 1
> controller!
> There was a guy here, who could not get his pedals to work because he had
> additional gamepad installed, so at least in this case N3 did recognize
> Just try it out: plug in both wheels, go to the controller screen of N3,
> calibrate one wheel as 'controller1' and the other as 'controller2' by
> the appropriate pedals and buttons and see if it works...
> and let us know about it...
> CU
> Zolli