Huh, I found play smooth including the roll from side to side I wonder if
your using a digital controller?
I am able to do a front wheel stand as in bringing the back wheel of the
ground. Now that should prove we got some good physics happening here.I hope
your not even suggesting that AMA is anywhere near the class of game that
GP500 (the demo no doubt) is right now. I know EB has got my copy of AMA
back if you want it.
> >Just thought I'd let everyone know, including Motorsims, GP500 took 2
> >entire years to make. I spoke to the lead programmer about this. I
> >wonder how many months it took Motorsims to create AMA Superbike. I
> >say months because I know they could not have spent even a year on it.
> >No way. GP500 shows what dedication, hardwork, and extreme talent can
> >achieve. AMA Superbike shows the exact opposite.
> Obviously GP500 is very good! Well, you told us 500 times, although
> not once you've explained WHY it is so good. Can you explain to us why
> GP500 doesn't lock the front tire when you apply full brake? Can you
> also explain why GP500 does lean in steps, i.e. digital instead of
> analog? I ask you since you're the expert....
> Remco
>Huh, I found play smooth including the roll from side to side I wonder if
>your using a digital controller?
I didn't mention AMA SB. But don't you think it is strange you can
lock a fronttire (slick), get the rearwheel up, and not even hear the
(front)tire slide? It has been a while I drove the GP500 demo, but
IIRC you could steer with a locked front wheel too. Your example could
easily be canned...
IMO the physics of GP500 aren't special. The graphics, sound, gameplay
and the feel of being there are spot on, though.
Agreed. No bike sim has done it right yet. Haven't tried AMA yet tho. Is there a
demo out for it?
Joe McGinn
Staff Writer for the Sports *** Network***.com/
Reread Norm's response before you "easily can" it - he says nothing of the front
tire locking, which it will not easily do on dry pavement. Norm states that the
bike overturns instead which is accurate. However, the front tire can be easily
locked when leaned into a turn. The bike starts to fall inward and the front
tire leaves a progressivly darker black mark. No you can't steer in this
condition. This is well done physics. What sound are you expecting to hear from
a locked slick tire?? A race tire doesn't squeal when sliding - just sort of
makes a scuffing sound that you never hear over the engine. Your opinions
regarding the GP500 physics model are based on your expectations instead of the
real world.
WERA #26x
97 GSXR600
94 TZ250
> >>Can you
> >>also explain why GP500 does lean in steps, i.e. digital instead of
> >>analog?
> >Huh, I found play smooth including the roll from side to side I wonder if
> >your using a digital controller?
> Nope, analog controller....maybe you didn't look good enough? Seems
> steps of 5 degrees or something...
> >>Can you explain to us why
> >>GP500 doesn't lock the front tire when you apply full brake?
> >I am able to do a front wheel stand as in bringing the back wheel of the
> >ground. Now that should prove we got some good physics happening here.I hope
> >your not even suggesting that AMA is anywhere near the class of game that
> >GP500 (the demo no doubt) is right now. I know EB has got my copy of AMA
> >back if you want it.
> I didn't mention AMA SB. But don't you think it is strange you can
> lock a fronttire (slick), get the rearwheel up, and not even hear the
> (front)tire slide? It has been a while I drove the GP500 demo, but
> IIRC you could steer with a locked front wheel too. Your example could
> easily be canned...
> IMO the physics of GP500 aren't special. The graphics, sound, gameplay
> and the feel of being there are spot on, though.
> Remco
I didn't say it is canned, I tried to point out it "could" be
I agree that with normal day bikes a front tire doesn't lock on a dry
road. But that isn't the case with Gp bikes on slicks, IIRC...eighter
when full braking in a straight line, or as in your example, in a
turn, in both cases I miss the feedback what's happening. There is no
drama when you're braking in a right line, something you would expect
when slowing down from 260 Kph to 60 just stops...
Also, when braking in a turn, you don't get any feedback about when
you're loosing it...ah well, maybe I just don't see it, it wouldn't be
the first time....
>>In real life on a sport/race bike, it's hard to generate enough
>>leverage with the small 4 piston calipers on the huge brake rotors to
>>cause the front wheel to lock. You'll like go over the front end
>>before it locks up. In the wet it's a whole different story though.
>You're right, but these are production bikes. Grand Prix bikes are
>different.....maybe they fix it in the release version.
Are you saying that in GP500 you can slam full front brake on and still
stay up? That sounds a bit disappointing, I saw the box at the weekend
and was quite tempted.
Mike Buckley
Cotswold Pig Development Co Ltd
Tel: +44 (0)1472 371591 Fax: +44 (0)1472 371208