>>and btw, Shame on You Papyrus!
>>Papryus Ltd. Sponsorship on the rear wing?!
>>LMAO! Money makes the world go 'round....
>Don't blame Papyrus. In a perfect world, that would be the #27 Player's
>Reynard you see on the box (and Indy would be on the CD, but that's
>another story.) Papyrus can't do licensing deals with beer and tobacco
>companies because kids will be using the product (the same reason why
>there aren't beer and tobacco sponsorships in ICR1 and NASCAR, and why
>you can't buy model kits, decal sheets, or diecast cars with these
>sponsors anymore unless it's licensed as an "*** collectible." Also,
>Rick mentioned earlier that besides this fact, it would make marketing
>the product overseas more difficult.
>If you're arguing that the car should say something else besides Papyrus,
>what would that be? Team Green? Klein Tools?
>Also, Player's itself has licensed very few items for the racing fan.
>The Minichamps diecast model of Jacques '94 Reynard was cancelled because
>they wouldn't license even a blank car - Player's considered the color
>and graphics scheme too distinctive a trademark. Also, Jacques himself
>has gone far out of his way to NOT have Player's linked to him on ANY
>merchandise (even during the '95 season). The question is, if he has
>such a problem with tobacco sponsorship, why did he spend 3 years with
>Player's, and why will he now be driving for Rothmans?
>Anyway, you can always fix the car with the Paintkit. :)
It was just in pure fun.. I enjoy harrassing Papyrus...
In all honesty, I have both Nascar, Indycar, and all the extras for
both.. If they released a Bass fishing simulator I would probably buy
it! And I HATE bass fishing! lol
They are truely one of the better software companies out there, only
because they make the simulators, "Never the same game twice" type of
games that attract me... and they do it well... but thats another
Yes, I know about the merchandising deal.. There are no T-shirts, and
very few posters of him available.. Most of the stuff found was either
PLAYERS only, or Greg Moore...
I do however, have a ONE of a Kind, 24th scale Players #12 Tamiya
model... :)
But thats the advantage of working at a sign shop... I can make the
decals, to make whatever car I choose... Unfortunately, at this time
Tamiya only has the T9300 Lolas (Mario/Nigel) cars.. So it looks alot
like the players car, but it's not a reynard, and it's a 93 at that..
So much for Accuracy...
Maybe I'll post a pic of it, if anyone is interested..
And, as far as I am concerned, in my biz, rumors float alot.. 99% of
the time, thats all they are is rumors.. So I try not to get involved
with the politics of racing.. I just like to look at the facts that
evolve out on the rac-course...
So I am neutral on the IRL... Besides, it'd be more money for us
anyways! Decals go on anything, regardless of what venue they're in...
Flame away... Tell me all your sob stories (Not you in particular
Earl), and tell me I am a sell-out...
MOney makes the world go around..
Kinda funny, some of the teams question our neutral position, and
shrug off the "More money for us" excuse as lame...
Hmm... I wonder what they would do for a shot at more money from a
geez.. I have really gone off the subject here.. sorry to have wasted
yer time!
Um, I am not sure what Jacques concern was.. He is somewhat
"Eccentric"... Either way, he's still my Fav... Perhaps thats why I
picked on Papyrus in the first place.. I am relatively new to the
racing industry... But It kinda grows on you where I work, and it was
nice to see a driver and team that I rooted for come so far in 3
And to think it all started because i thought the car looked cool...
but thats another story..
I better stop now before You fall asleep!