>I've got this "game" GPL for quite a while now, patched it to newest
>version, but I really don't see why so many people think this is such a
>great sim. It is ugly (compared to todays games) has a terrible sound, and
>these old cars are not funny to drive. My guess is, that it is just to show
>off and say "I'm a GPL-driver". The support for Force Feedback is lousy
>unless you spend hours and hours to tweak it to your wheel. That is because
>the game is so old, that FF was not invented when this game was sold in
>I'm NOT surprised there has never been a GPL2.
You're right - the standard graphics don't compare to some current games.
Maybe not the sound, either(although it's hardly 'terrible'). I don't have FF,
so I can't comment on how easy or difficult it is to configure. But people
still like the program. There are graphics and sound upgrades available on the
'net, and people continue to create new tracks to run. Have you tried any of
the add-ons? You might find something to interest you. I'm not sure how it's
showing off to say you drive GPL. Is it showing off to say you drive F1 2001,
or RT, or Viper racing? It's just a game you play...
Besides, there are people who still play GP2 and ICR2...<g>
Dale Earnhardt, Sr. R.I.P. 1951-2001
Homepage - http://www.umich.edu/~epickett
GPLRank - under construction...
Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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