> -snip-
> >What are you smoking Zonker, motorsport events are NOT supposed to be
> >dangerous for spectators...
> Really? How do you come to that conclusion?
Yeah right, bet a lot of people would take their kids to motorsport
events if they thought it would actually be dangerous for them, if they
got hurt, couldn`t the parents then be tried in court for puttimg their
kids in danger or something ?
Yes I know people have gotten hurt at soccer games when the crowd goes
nuts and stuff like that, but that is one of those freek things we`ve
been discussing, that is beyond anyones control and not really a part of
what`s going on the event itself.
As a spectator I pretty much expect to be kept safe from what`s going on
at the track (not suggesting that MIS was at fault here, I really think
that was one of those thing that are very hard for organisers to
prevent, and as long as they learn from it so they try to prevent it
happening again...), as long as I follow the guidelines of behaviour as
outlined by the organiser
So you are actually saying that one of the reasons people go to
motorsports events is the thrill of living dangerously as a spectator
(And lets not bring up rallying in Portugal or anything, THAT`s insane)
Well, that says a lot about what kind of person you are if you think
like that and bring your kids along to one of these things.
A calculated risk is when I take my roadcar to a trackday and put my
helmet on, NOT when I buy a ticket to see other people do something
similar, then the risk should be VERY close to nil
Those guys I used to help out would not have raced if they thought the
organisers hadn`t done everything they knew to keep the spectators safe
from their own mistakes, how are they supposed to do their job if they
KNOW that some parts of the track is not safe and a mistake at that part
would easily kill or injure spectators ?
Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy