Bug #1: (Last week) I admittedly joined a race after it had formed.
It was either in practice or right at the end of practice/start of the
qualify phase. It let me join, but gave me a "packet" error.
I think I did do some practice, but did not see my name in the F2
standings list of cars on the track. It let me qualifiy. Then the
race started and I was in a class my myself. Meaning, I was the only
one in the race. I raced a few laps then exited.
Bug#2: (Last night) I think it was "Transmission Timeout". I was in
the middle of a race. One second I was racing. Then the guy in front
of me disappeared. Then I was kicked out of the race. I have no idea
if the race continued without me. I was tired, had some other stuff
to do before bed and so I just got out. Funny thing though, this was
about 3:00 EST. About 4:00, I walked by the phone and noticed the red
light was on. I picked up and switched to that line, it was a modem
carrier. A quick glance at the fax machine, it was idle. No other
computers powered on. It was talking to the same modem I was using
with the hawaii multiplayer one hour earlier. Probably still talking
to hawaii? But I exited the software? I think the "transmission
error" threw me out of the race scheduler, since I do not remember
seeing if the race was still going on, but I remember exiting the
software. Why did it not hang the phone line up? Oh well, what's one
more hour. If my wife is going to kill me anyway, it can't hurt any
Wish: Can Papyrus shadow the Hawaii BBS files on their FTP site?
Some of us have excellent internet access, and long distance charges
do not apply!
Question: Sometimes I see a blue and silver car sort of faintly up in
front of me. I remember seeing it during bug#1 above. I have seen it
other times before also. It does not follow any line. It can warp
from down low to up high at will. Very unusual.
Best Wishes!!!
Robert Huggins