>>Hey SCGT fans, there is an interesting post going on over in r.a.s.misc about
>>the Merk incident at le mans, why not check it out is in order.
>>This is about on topic issues, not what a large % of people might enjoy to
>>read about.
>>I'm sure most RAS fans are interested in sex, but i'm not about to post my
>>weekend's actvities here. (try alt.sex.stories.moderated? :P)
>Or alt.lonely.whacking.off?
camper. Didn't catch 'em, but i suspect it was you.
I'm not telling anyone how to post. If i was that manical about it'd i'd run a
cancel bot.
er... casual... right... if you want a look at a casual group, try most of
alt.* causal to the extent that no one is on topic.
Personally i wish all the morbid ***ers who get wood everytime there is some
kind of car crash and love to chat about it and download video's and *** off
at it and then slam arcade racers for high silly crash modes and the like are
self indulgent sicko's.
(you may notice, i object most to those crash releasted motorsport threads.
There is a point).
I wish you'd get laid, try your mum. She could suck a salami through a 12 foot
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