Well..after having fun with the ICR2 demo and running the nascar tracks,
I tried it with the full game that I bought monday night. They all work
again, BUT, some of the tracks (the ones where you start OUTSIDE the
track) won't let you race. The bonus this time tho, is that when you
actually DO race, the computer driven cars are competitive...in the demo,
the cars would be limited to a top speed of probably about 120-140
MPH..now they're a challenge. I still love Talladega, altho you really
have to play with the wing settings to avoid losing the tail end above
180-190 MPH in the turns.
For some reason the setups on the speedways are really goofy when you do
this, (like 3rd gear being a 4.10!=top speed of about 190 MPH in 3rd), so
I just copied the michigan setups (ace, fast, qual, easy) to the speedway
directories (talladega, Atlanta, etc) and went from there...still haven't
been able to acheive the 251 MPH top speed that someone else told me they
did on Talladega....oh well...I guess I'll have to just keep working on