>> >hi .. new to GP2 - having just acquired a laptop pentium with CDROM, etc
>> >... however I now learn I seem to be stuck with keyboard only controls.
>> >How do PC GP2 users out there use joystick/wheels, etc, if no
>> >soundblaster card on PC? With laptop don't see this as an option!
>> >Any ideas, folks?
>> If you don't find a solution for this "problem", try to see it as no problem at
>> all. Many, many, many people are enjoying GP2 by driving by keyboard. It's
>> perfectly possible and with fast laps as well!
>> A happy keyboard driver,
>Yeah, BUT! Its the computer do'in 90% of the driving, not you. If you
>wanna get real satisfaction from GP2, its better to use a wheel/pedals
>in ACE mode with all helps OFF. Better to be a tail-end charlie in ACE
>mode than using HELPS + KBD. Ok, I sympothise if you don't have the
>dosh for a wheel/pedals! Start saving, or build your own.
>Its the only way ta go....
First of all: if you're _good_, you're just _good_, no matter the control method
you use. Try running a race on the limit with keyboard and all off-turnable
helps turned off: it takes a lot of time to master that! Try it out and see what
you think about your "90% driving by the computer" quote. Driving around at a
'decent' speed is rather easy, I admit. But when you look for the limit, it
becomes just as involving as racing with a wheel. Of course it is not as
realistic as holding a wheel in your hands, but it is certainly challenging, be
it in another way.
I never claimed that a steering wheel wouldn't be even *more* fun. It's just
that keyboard steering doesn't have to prevent the fun. If he can't find a way
to attach a joystick or wheel, that just doesn't mean that he won't enjoy the
So instead of thinking negative like "oh man, I can't get a joystick or wheel so
this game is spoiled... :-( ", start hitting that keyboard, Carl!
When everything else failed, we can still become im-
mortal by making an enormous blunder....
John Kenneth Galbraith