Yup!! Me... :-) I still have a brand new one in the box Ian but
I think you live too far away to pick it up...eh? So there is the
TM Charger Peee Uuu and then the TM Ferrari!! Yea!!! :-)
All have paddles!! I only use paddles for gas/brake and thank
god TM makes them this way! So if you want to come to NJ
I'll give you my new TM Sprint!! :-) Cheers Thom_j.
| My trusty TM Sprint wheel seems to be nearing the end of its useful
| life, with the pots being very worn.
| For reasons of space, I need a wheel that has analog paddles in the
| same manner as the TM Sprint wheel, that I can use for accelerator and
| brake controls.
| Does anyone know of such a wheel?
| I'm aware that I could probably repair the old wheel, but my memories
| of my soldering skill from my electronics 'O' level are not favourable
| ones. I'd probably burn the house down......
| Ian
| --
| Ian Riches
| GPL Rank +2.67 Monsters of GPL +297.10
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