Does anyone know if the forthcoming patch for MSCPR contains some radical
brain surgery for the AI. Any info on the contents and release date for
the patch would be appreciated.
Cheers All
Jim K
Does anyone know if the forthcoming patch for MSCPR contains some radical
brain surgery for the AI. Any info on the contents and release date for
the patch would be appreciated.
Cheers All
Jim K
I have no idea as to the release date -- everything seemed to come to a halt
for the holidays, but work should resume shortly.
Jim Getzen
Unofficial CART Precision Racing HQ
Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.
Hi Jim....
I'm outside the loop like yourself, but from what I understand, there
have been two patches sent out to beta testers and the the hints left by them
are positive. I'm not sure of a release date yet, but it shouldn't be too
much longer. And I don't have any specific input about the AI.
Unfortunately when the beta guys said the game was waaaay better, they didn't
nail down whether it preformed better(i.e. framerate) or played better(i.e.
AI that is aware their cars can be punted out etc...) Keep your fingers
crossed. It will have some joystick enhancements for those with wheels that
have been having an awful time.
> Cheers All
> Jim K
Both are much better for sure, though CPR is still far from being a
great performer, even on a P200/3dfx. No where near the graphics
quality or speed of Psygnosis F1 for example.
No, I meant Psygnosis. I'd rather compare it to Ubi F1, but it's not
available here so I don't have it yet. But even Psygnosis F1 was
*well* ahead of CPR in graphics quality and speed (interesting to note
that Psyg F1 is a Glide game).
That is very disappointing to hear, especially since the recommended
setting for CART Precision Racing is a P166, 32mb ram, 3D accelerator. I
have a P166, 32mb, Pure 3D, and I have shelved CPR until the patch is
released because I am just not willing to cut back that much detail to get
a decent frame rate. Especially when I can play other games like Ubisoft's
F1 Racing, Need for Speed IISE, Screamer 2, POD, International Rally
Championship, and Motoracer, all at very fast frame rates with full detail.
Do you mean Ubisoft F1 Racing? I have Psygnosis F1 as well, but found it to
perform not nearly as well as most other 3D accelerated games, although
still far and above CPR.
Oh well, maybe I should just try to get someone to buy my copy of CPR,
since its already well past the 30 day money back guarantee. I was waiting
to see if the patch would fix the AI, control, lack of yellows, and frame
rate issues, but I've been waiting for almost 2 months now.
Don Chapman
On Fri, 2 Jan 1998 09:26:36 -0600, "Greg Cisko"
I have been so frustrated trying to race this thing
that I can't even figure out what's wrong! Frame rate,
AI, the controls setup, my own lack of talent--I haven't got
a clue! I purchased this game because of its vaunted
realism, and because I got tired of ice-racing in ICR II.
Now I've thrown up my hands and gone back to GP2.
At least N2 wasn't a total frigging waste of money.
The cars won't steer worth a s**t, the frigging car *brakes*
if I deaccelerate slightly (yes, braking help is off), and
on and on.
I get very tired of "_____ sucks" posts of all
kinds, but CPR *needs* CPR. It bytes!
Michael Tracy
Lisa: "That's specious reasoning!"
Homer: "Thanks, honey."