I downloaded the ETM demo (someone had to start a acronym for it!)
last night and have played it a few times since then. I haven't seen
many posts here about it so far, unless my ISP's news server is not
working properly! So far, I like it. Form the setup options it looks
like it will be more on the sim side (I haven't really had a chance to
play with them yet, too busy losing! :) ). Form what I can tell it has
the most setup options of any other motocross game out there. The little
bike can sure go fast. I am still undecided if it is too fast or not.
Anyone with experience on those types of bikes want to comment. The
speed does make it pretty interesting though! The physics model seems
pretty reasonable, considering the tires must be having a hard time
getting grip on the dirt. Going too fast into a corner produced the
expected results! The only thing I don't like is the sound. It seems to
be pretty realistic, it just reminds me of an angry cat! I've only been
using the "riders eye" view so far. I really like how the bike shakes
over all of the bumps on the track. So, what does everyone else think?