I also tried it. Very nice. My wheel and pedals worked, so a
joystick should too. It is in the options area. Only problem with the
wheel, I didn't at first blush, see an area to define my wheel/stick
inputs. So, since I have an older T2, the gas produces a down motion,
not a problem in Papyrus sims, but SCGT(until the split axis patch)
and now ETM required me to use the brake to accelerate and the gas
to brake...very confusing..I liked the chunks of rocks being thrown
at me when I was close behind someone. AI was a little too
reminicent(sp?) of the old Pole Posistion days when you fell, everyone
ran into you. And I'm not a big fan of the tunnel track approach, where
the invisible walls keep you on the track. Moto Cross Madness had some
huge problems with thier track layouts, but at least you had full
freedom to miss a turn and go off course to get back in the race.
dave henrie
ps, the handle bar view was screamingly fast on my P225 mmx using
D3d and a voodoo1.
> >Did anyone download this demo off www.3dfiles.com and play it? Altho my
> >sound didnt work
> >(sblive) and the game slowed down at times (on a 464mhz no less)... the game
> >showed alot of promise.
> >I think it got better feel than motocross madness and really depicted
> >motocross racing accurately.
> >It has several of the World GP moto tracks and has TC/IP and ipx protos on
> >network playing...
> > Try it out if you like motocross racing..
> I downloaded it and I loved it! It great! I also noticed kinda of a
> little slowdown at times (450 celeron) but I still think it kicks ass!
> I havent bought any games lately (been doing the try before you
> buy warez) but I definately fork out some cash for this one!
> This game definately shows a lot of promise and I had no problem
> with the sound. I wish the demo had joystick support though playing
> on the keyboard kinda sucks!