>You can copy the tracks from nascar to the icr2 tracks directory and run
>the indycars there. I've done Talladega and Bristol. Cant race on
>bristol, but you can practice . You cant practice at Talladega, but you
>can race there. Go figure. You cant trade carsets though.
>Try it it is really cool.
>CHuck Barnett
I tried this and had a blast....who'da thunk it? the CART/PPG Talladega 250?
For the rest of you out there with ICR2demo and Nascar, just do as he
said..copy each nascar track directory into the \icr2\tracks directory.
I found that sometimes, certain tracks would get an 'unable to open
track' error, but if you just hit enter or click a button again on the
same track, it will load. Sometimes After qualifiying, if I tried to
actually race, the game would crash and put me back to the dos prompt (in
40 column mode no less!). Unfortunately, the ICR1 tracks do not work :(
(I REALLY want to run Road America and Long Beach with the new AI and
driving model) One of the funniest things to watch is the opponents AI
cars trying to 'learn' the new track...they think the turns are on the
straights and keep banging into the walls..it's a riot!
Also...be prepared to start in the middle of nowhere. Your car often
starts on the infield, where you can't see a thing except green (or brown
if you go to phoenix). Drive toward the wall..when you go thru the wall,
you car will act as if God decided to spin it around....replays are quite
humorous at this point :).
Unfortunately, the cars end up having strange gearings that are sometimes
not at all suited to the track (Talladega gives you ~190 MPH top speed in
*3rd* gear at about 10.2K RPMS. Higher gears are too tall to get into
the powerband. I do not have the editing program downloaded yet, so I do
not know if that can be tweaked. I also found out that Indycars are not
very condusive to high speed banking :)...they tend to kick the back end
out rather suddenly when they reach their limits. Really an eye-opener.
One final bonus...on the nascar tracks, the AI cars have their damage set
to 'realistic' and yours is off :)..I think I sent Scott Pruett's
nosecone and Front wheel about 75 feet straight up in the air :)