Who are the 15 most influent person in SimRacing??


Who are the 15 most influent person in SimRacing??

by ymenar » Mon, 02 Jun 1997 04:00:00

Hi to all,

For my new website comming in mid-july, I have a question that I would
love to have people reply.

What are, in your opinion, the 15 most influent person in our SimRacing
community actually ???

This could be the beginning of a great thread, and if you don't know
15names only write the first ones you think.  If you don't want people
to know your choices please e-mail your answers.  Even if you don't like
the person, please write him if you think he's influent.  When I say
influent, I say what person do youthink has the more ower in SimRacing.
Remember that it is actually, because I will update it often, to let
know who is "hot" or not :)  Here is my personnal choices:

1.  Alex Santantonio
2.  Don Wilshe
3.  David Sparks
4.  Eric T.Busch
5.  Micheal E.Carver
6.  Tor Nygren
7.  Pieter von Dieren
8.  Steve Ramirez
9.  Ty Byrd
10. Mark J.Nelson
11. Peika Heino
12. Alex Koziol
13. Chas Bornemann
14. ymenard
15. Alex Koziol

This are my opinion and it took me some time deciding the 10 last
places. So don't flame me because you are not in it.  PLEASE reply to
me.  The SRHOF is for the SimRacers and only the Simracers. I'm doing
this for all of you.  Thanks a lot,

Good race at the Brickyard,  (-o-)

SPEED- Public relations director
SPEED- Cars, WC, BGN, Trucks, IROC, utilities and more...

- *#1 post writer* -
- *Unnoficial leader of r.a.s.       * -

Flight Cadet Nien Numb, Gold squadron NSWL;
May the force be with you, always!!

- *Official Star Wars Geek fan                        * -
- *Best French Nascar2 SimRacer on the 'net           * -
- *May the force be with you, always!!                * -
- *Excuse me for my poor English(I'm French speaking) * -

John Walla

Who are the 15 most influent person in SimRacing??

by John Walla » Tue, 03 Jun 1997 04:00:00

>1.  Alex Santantonio
>2.  Don Wilshe
>3.  David Sparks
>4.  Eric T.Busch
>5.  Micheal E.Carver
>6.  Tor Nygren
>7.  Pieter von Dieren
>8.  Steve Ramirez
>9.  Ty Byrd
>10. Mark J.Nelson
>11. Peika Heino
>12. Alex Koziol
>13. Chas Bornemann
>14. ymenard
>15. Alex Koziol

I can think of several people who shouldn't be in there, and as many
that should. How about Gerhard Lingenberg, Tony Johns, Jed'n'Jan just
for starters? Then you can add Trev Kellaway, Dave Gymer even Geoff
Crammond and the Papyrus guys.


Keith Meye

Who are the 15 most influent person in SimRacing??

by Keith Meye » Tue, 03 Jun 1997 04:00:00

> (Original drivel snipped...)
> >14. ymenard       <--- note inclusion of himself
> >15. Alex Koziol

> I have seen some egomaniacal losers in my several years
> on usenet, but this is pretty funny. He was in his OWN
> "influent" list!

> (More self-serving drivel snipped....)
> His 18 line ego-pumping, netiquette-bashing .sig tells the
> rest of the story. What a dork.

> ** NOTE: Please remove NOSPAM from address to Email me **
> -----------------------------------------------------------

> -----------------------------------------------------------

I couldn't agree more. This idiot found my kill file months ago when I
got sick of his self-serving "I'm not breaking the law by illegally
distributing copyrighted material because it makes people

I actually thought his web page was a good idea until I saw who was
doing it. The inclusion of his own name only confirms my impression that
he is a self-absorbed jackass.


Think before you Spam...

"By US Code Title 47, Sec.227(a)(2)(B), a computer/modem/printer meets
the definition of a telephone fax machine.  By Sec.227(b)(1)(C), it is
unlawful to send any unsolicited adverti***t to such equipment.  By
Sec.227(b)(3)(C), a violation of the aforementioned Section is
punishable by action to recover actual monetary loss, or $500, whichever
is greater, for each violation."

Barton S. Brow

Who are the 15 most influent person in SimRacing??

by Barton S. Brow » Tue, 03 Jun 1997 04:00:00

I think he MEANT to put his name at the top...but what about Alex Koziol
and his other brother Alex Koziol?

Bart Brown

Michael Peters

Who are the 15 most influent person in SimRacing??

by Michael Peters » Tue, 03 Jun 1997 04:00:00


> >1.  Alex Santantonio
> >2.  Don Wilshe
> >3.  David Sparks
> >4.  Eric T.Busch
> >5.  Micheal E.Carver
> >6.  Tor Nygren
> >7.  Pieter von Dieren
> >8.  Steve Ramirez
> >9.  Ty Byrd
> >10. Mark J.Nelson
> >11. Peika Heino
> >12. Alex Koziol
> >13. Chas Bornemann
> >14. ymenard
> >15. Alex Koziol

> I can think of several people who shouldn't be in there, and as many
> that should. How about Gerhard Lingenberg, Tony Johns, Jed'n'Jan just
> for starters? Then you can add Trev Kellaway, Dave Gymer even Geoff
> Crammond and the Papyrus guys.

> Cheers!
> John

Not to mention the fact that I have barely heard of some on the list.
It's a pretty self serving list. How many of them are assoc with the
Nascar Network?

What's the point of this list?

Mike's Nascar World

Stop on by, what can it hurt?

Jim G

Who are the 15 most influent person in SimRacing??

by Jim G » Tue, 03 Jun 1997 04:00:00


You had better be nice to him!!! He says he is our new leader....:-]

Jim G.

Michael E. Carve

Who are the 15 most influent person in SimRacing??

by Michael E. Carve » Wed, 04 Jun 1997 04:00:00

: I can think of several people who shouldn't be in there, and as many
: that should. How about Gerhard Lingenberg, Tony Johns, Jed'n'Jan just
: for starters? Then you can add Trev Kellaway, Dave Gymer even Geoff
: Crammond and the Papyrus guys.

"List?!  We don't need no stinking list!"  Actually anyone who has
contributed to this newsgroup in one way or another deserves to be on the
list.  Even the "***s" have a place on the list.  This newsgroup
would not be what it is if we decided to "carve" out a niche for an elite
"influential" group.  Anyone who has shared a thought (even those that I
disagree with) has a vital role in making r.a.s. what it is.  I will go
one step further and would suggest that the "anonymous" lurkers
deserve to be up there some where on the "list" -- wait a minute, there
ain't no list.

If the only reason anyone has contributed to r.a.s. is to garner
attention or "elevation" of importance, well I'll let you fill in the
blanks.  We participate cuz we enjoy it.

But, John, if there has to be a list you can remove the name of your
choice and insert yours in its place! ;-)

**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
     Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<[ /./.  [-  < ]>=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

John Wallac

Who are the 15 most influent person in SimRacing??

by John Wallac » Wed, 04 Jun 1997 04:00:00

Aaaaaaaaamen brother, Hallelujah.

I was never musical and trumpets aren't my thing - I've no desire to be on
any such list.

I just find myself wondering what purpose such a list would serve in being
stored on a website? Anyone who downloads even a days worth of messages can
get a pretty good idea of the demographics around here. Seems to be nothing
other than a hearty back-slapping exercise and a means of attracting
several hundred questions from people who need to read the FAQ. Or is it
just the antithesis of David's "Moron of the week" list, an accolade which
never found it's way onto Francois' .sig.

John (SRN-Europe)
(Remove "NOSPAM" from address before replying...)

John Wallac

Who are the 15 most influent person in SimRacing??

by John Wallac » Wed, 04 Jun 1997 04:00:00

No-one has "power" in the sim-racing community, we all have the same one
voice against the wind. Any power which someone has comes from your
perception, and it's the power they have to get something done. What's
more, anyone can do it, but most don't. If you want to make your own IVGA
you can, you want to rival Earl Ma - you'd better be damn handy with the
paints, you want to be leader - you'd better come up with a strategy no-one
else has thought of! Whatever you want to do you can try, and if you do it
well you will earn people's respect and folks may listen to you - or they
may not.

The one thing you can't do is presume respect before it's earned like, just
for example, crowning yourself "head of r.a.s." when no such position
exists nor is likely to. If for whatever reason you want to be leader of
r.a.s., you'll need to find a better way of doing it than you've come up
with so far. *** might work - my minimum bribe level is 2x64Mb SDRAM
DIMMs, one each for Marc and I, to get Sim News backing your campaign.
Every politician knows you need to have bought the media to have any hope
of being elected ;-)

John (SRN-Europe)
(Remove "NOSPAM" from address before replying...)

Eric T. Busc

Who are the 15 most influent person in SimRacing??

by Eric T. Busc » Wed, 04 Jun 1997 04:00:00

I want in on that too, so he better make it three... =)



Tom J. Ma

Who are the 15 most influent person in SimRacing??

by Tom J. Ma » Wed, 04 Jun 1997 04:00:00


>> >1.  Alex Santantonio
>> >2.  Don Wilshe
>> >3.  David Sparks
>> >4.  Eric T.Busch
>> >5.  Micheal E.Carver
>> >6.  Tor Nygren
>> >7.  Pieter von Dieren
>> >8.  Steve Ramirez
>> >9.  Ty Byrd
>> >10. Mark J.Nelson
>> >11. Peika Heino
>> >12. Alex Koziol
>> >13. Chas Bornemann
>> >14. ymenard
>> >15. Alex Koziol

>> I can think of several people who shouldn't be in there, and as many
>> that should. How about Gerhard Lingenberg, Tony Johns, Jed'n'Jan just
>> for starters? Then you can add Trev Kellaway, Dave Gymer even Geoff
>> Crammond and the Papyrus guys.

>> Cheers!
>> John

>Not to mention the fact that I have barely heard of some on the list.
>It's a pretty self serving list. How many of them are assoc with the
>Nascar Network?

>What's the point of this list?

>Mike's Nascar World

>Stop on by, what can it hurt?

 I am wondering the same thing. What's the point of it
Franck Murg

Who are the 15 most influent person in SimRacing??

by Franck Murg » Thu, 05 Jun 1997 04:00:00


Sorry, this list didn't made me HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY but, at
least, it gives me a good laugh.

Michael Peters

Who are the 15 most influent person in SimRacing??

by Michael Peters » Thu, 05 Jun 1997 04:00:00

> I want in on that too, so he better make it three... =)

> --

>  John Wallace wrote in article

Better make that four...otherwise forget my support.

Mike's Nascar World

Stop on by, what can it hurt?

TrenT Castanavara

Who are the 15 most influent person in SimRacing??

by TrenT Castanavara » Thu, 05 Jun 1997 04:00:00


Honestly, its great to see all these people want to be recognized but
damn, all this back patting is downright hilarious....

I respect the fact that there are alot of great people involved, but
honestly, we don't need a list of "most influential people" I mean, what
IS the point, as someone has already said.......

SHOoooooooooo Shop and Compare!


Driver of the #15 Cincinnati Bengals Pontiac
NSRA-S Division

Barton S. Brow

Who are the 15 most influent person in SimRacing??

by Barton S. Brow » Thu, 05 Jun 1997 04:00:00

How about a list of the 15 Most Flatulent People On This Newsgroup? I
nominate myself for #1!

Bart is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.