> "List?! We don't need no stinking list!" Actually anyone who has
> contributed to this newsgroup in one way or another deserves to be on the
> list. Even the "***s" have a place on the list. This newsgroup
> would not be what it is if we decided to "carve" out a niche for an elite
> "influential" group. Anyone who has shared a thought (even those that I
> disagree with) has a vital role in making r.a.s. what it is. I will go
> one step further and would suggest that the "anonymous" lurkers
> deserve to be up there some where on the "list" -- wait a minute, there
> ain't no list.
> If the only reason anyone has contributed to r.a.s. is to garner
> attention or "elevation" of importance, well I'll let you fill in the
> blanks. We participate cuz we enjoy it.
> But, John, if there has to be a list you can remove the name of your
> choice and insert yours in its place! ;-)
r.a.s., then next time someone produces a sim that doesn't work on some
machines, doesn't give a***pit view, is no more than a bug-fix of a
previous game, requires a $50k SGI machine, or whatever, we'll have an
instant petition list to send them (plus selected magazines, etc.)
[Just 'cause I don't post often, don't mean I ain't here.]
Theoretical Comp. Sci. Lab. | X400: S=ballim;OU=di;O=epfl;
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