>I would very much appreciate that fortunate owners/users of this product
>(maybe the Australian people is in the best position for that) could let
>me know about their experiences on it, also on the durability side.
Ok, I'll try....
For so far, yes. (Fl 5000 is USD 2500, Clark classic)
I play GPL almost full linear. You can adjust the "stiffnes" of the
steering wheel. No, it's not oversensitive at all. But, try before you
buy, your opinion may differ.
As I said I've the Clark classis. It has a sequential shifter, and
flippers behind the wheel. I use the shifter for gears, and the
flippers for looking left and right. Using the flipper for gears could
improve the laptimes, but I like the more realistic way of shifting.
The brake has a very short travel, less than an inch. It's pressure
sensitive, so it is more easy to brake against the lockup.
The throttle has a long and smooth travel.
One more note: When using a wheel mounted to the desk, like the
Thrustmaster wheels, after an 1/2 houre I feel cramped. With the HS I
can race for 12 houres, and don't feel a thing. (I actually did that,
the day GPL came out. I started at 6:00 pm, and I could believe it was
6.00 am the next time a checked the clock :-) Fortunally the next day
was a Saturday)
About the durability...I've only got it for three weeks, everything
still works.