On Thu, 05 Apr 2001 15:09:23 -0400, "Nandi, Amit [SKPK:CD60:EXCH]"
>Like a similar post earlier -
>I just borrowed a friend's Logitech FF wheel
>and after enabling FF through the GPL core.ini
>(on GPL 1.201)
>file I tried it out and I'm not sure I felt
>the force feedback or not. I've tried different
>core.ini settings (from Alison Hine's page for
>example) and checked some other pages out as well.
>I don't feel any difference in driving after slamming
>into a wall at Imola or going over bumps and I never
>feel the wheel trying to actively fight me when I spin.
>The wheel works with other games (NFS-PU) and when
>I start GPL the wheel jerks a little bit leading me
>to believe it's activated. Any suggestions or
>testcases would be helpful
Getting the FF working -perfect- in GPL really takes some time.
Read the ff guide on Alison's site, and don't just copy her settings.
First of all, make sure your LWFF is configured as device 1 in
windows, I and Alison too noticed that the ff is much weaker when you
set it on device 2.
And then: the values used in the core.ini vary per system, depending
apparently on a lot of things like type of LWFF (some versions were
made in China, some in Taiwan) and it seems that even these different
types of LWFF's require different settings. CPU speed also seems to
influence the ff: when I upgraded from a PIII500 to a PIII866 I had to
change the core.ini values again to get my old ff back.
Read what each of the values does, change a value a little bit at a
time and test, test, test.
If you get it working right it works like magic, you can absolutely
feel what the car is doing. You feel the car pushing and pulling into
a corner, feel the car getting light when you jump at Flugplatz, the
wheel tightens again when you land.. it's superb.
By the way, I remember while experimenting with the ff in GPL, I once
copied Alison's settings too to test it. While she has a great ff with
her settings, I couldn't feel -anything-. Just shows you how the ff
settings vary per system.
In N4 the ff seems to be even better inplemented: right after
installation the ff feeled perfect. But maybe I was just lucky.
Since ff settings seem to vary so heavily per system, every single
racing game out there should have the option to tweak the ff.
FF in F1RC for examply feels really lousy on my system. Allthough I
know for sure the ff in F1RC isn't as good as it is in GPL or N4,
maybe it's even worse on my system because I can't tweak the values.