If it is still around check out Bjorn's website. Lots of hints on
how to make the Thriller work with icr2. www.bjorn3d.com
also I think Allison Hind's website has the same info.
surf for Eagle Woman. :)
Basically you have to jump through a bunch of hoops,
try using v2dosfix.exe to patch your exe file so the sim
thinks you have a v1000 rendition card. Then you need
to create a batch file that swaps the spd3d.up file that comes
with the rendition version with another file that is newer.
Bjorn's and Allison should have all those files. Good luck;
it looks great once you get it running...!
On May 17, 1999 A Whale was killed off the coast of
Washington State. The Whale was killed in the name of
Tradition.....I say....
%&#& Tradition!
>Installed hercules thriller 8mb card and rendition version of ic2(cart)
>Will not recognize card, installed new drivers. What am I doing wrong?