Gordon at the Point! ).
I would agree with Dave... this title has remained very 'sim' oriented. But
in one heck-of-a-fun way!
I am a big fan of N4 on the PC... and while I can't say that this title
holds up quite as well... I can say that for a console based NASCAR
simulation... I am extremely pleased.
On it highest difficulties( you have to adjust them from the defaults ), the
title provides some good ole' paint-scrapin' fun... Over-under steering
seems to be modeled well, and the sense of speed from the 'dash' view is
fine for my appetite.
The title conveys the differences between running at Daytona vs Bristol vs.
Rockingham vs. Sears Point. Drive too deep into turn one at the Rock, and
you will find yourself making snuggly-snuggs with your new found friend...
the wall! Lose your dance-partner, and drop off the pack at Daytona, and
you be racing yourself for last place all day long. Super!
I haven't checked out the Damage/Tire Wear yet... but I would assume that it
will hold its own based on its PC based heritage....
The Dual-Shock Controllers work much better than I had anticipated(
dead-zone adjustments are available, and recommended ). It is not the same
as working N4 with a force-feedback steering wheel... but after 20 or so
laps... I am convinced that I can run with this rig.
The graphics are decent( the car models look swell ). Some race tracks look
better than others... but I am glad that MGI sacrificed stadium texture
quality to maintain speedy framerates... I noticed no drop-out during my
first evening with the sim. I would not consider the graphics to be of GT3
caliber... but certainly serviceable.
All NASCAR fans should enjoy the game on its default setting, but 'sim
junkies' will take the road less traveled( expert setting, AI adjusted to
105% ) and appreciate that MGI didn't dumb down the AI or car physics to
make this an arcade racer.
This title has it where it counts... Gameplay.
If you have the means, I highly recommend it!
***** How Bad Have You Got It? ****
One other thing... draggin' that tiny magic black box( PS2 ) sure beats
haulin' a PC-rig( w/Monitor ) to-n-fro grandma's house for a NASCAR fix. I
am definitely diggin' the PS2 console.
> fan and have played Heat quite a bit on the PC. Note this is NOT an
> arcade-type game, but (thankfully) biased more towards a simulation.
> Graphics - Very good. Not quite up to the PC version, but the cars,
> tracks, etc. all look good. Very minimal pop-up. Good sense of speed.
> Have only spent time on the Sears Point and Telladega tracks, but both are
> modeled very well. Only supports a 24 car field though (10 in split
> multi-player).
> Control - Excellent for a game pad. Much better than my gravis gamepad on
> the PC. In easy sim mode driving with the controller is a little too
> On expert (or simulation mode?) the cars become much more realistic.
> Sound - Good, just like the PC.
> Multiplayer - Two player split screen. Frame rate stays high, you can
> use rear view mirrors.
> AI - Easy, Novice, Medium, Hard, and Pro available. Medium is fun if you
> have some experience in the cars and like to run at the front of the pack.
> Hard is a challenge, haven't tried Pro yet. In general, opponents drive
> well - they will bump and tap but normally will give you the line if you
> in position. Haven't played enough to comment on pits strategies and that
> type of thing.
> Overall, definitely recommended for the sim fan. Of course it isn't
> perfect, but it is fun. One of the most enjoyable games I have played so
> far on the PS2. Also picked up Twisted Metal Black at the same time and
> agree with most everyone else here - it is also a AAA game. If we keep
> getting games like this on the PS2, I'll finally give up driving on the
> The ability to play on a big screen is great.
> -Dave
> > How is it?
> > --