In Burnout the reaction time is already added to the E.T. If you build
a car that runs 8.90 and you wait 2 seconds to leave the starting line
your E.T. will show 11.90!
This is NOT how it works at a real dragway.
Your E.T. clock does not start running until your front tires roll out
of the staging beam and stops when your front tires break the beam at
the finish line. This is your true Elapsed Time. Your reaction time
at a real dragstrip is calculated by starting a clock when the the last
yellow light is turned on and stopping this clock when your front tires
roll out of the staging beam. On a 5 tenths tree a perfect reaction time
would be .500 and a red light would be .499 or less. On a 4 tenths tree
(pro start) a perfect light would be .400 and a red light would be .399
or less. By showing reaction time this way you can see how close your
redlight was to a perfect reaction time.
I would like to see a patch for Burnout changing the time cards to show
your E.T. and reaction like at a real dragstrip.
Also you should get time cards after each race, not just after practice
Also I would like a longer pause after each race to look at the times
and speeds before the next race starts.