I think that was an original problem, try changing your screen
resolution, If I recall, it only happens at 1024x720, or something like
that. There was an effort to fix it privately and I believe they suceeded
but by then I was pretty much done with SCGT. It may be very tough
tracking down the fixes.
Speedsims.com is supposed to be back online, that might be the best
place to start hunting. Good luck.
dave henrie
I have the original fix in zip format, it's 400K do you want me to e-mail it
to you. I can't remember if it really fixed the problem though!
> I have the original fix in zip format, it's 400K do you want me to e-mail
> to you. I can't remember if it really fixed the problem though!
> Andi.
> > Okay.......I KNOW this is an old game and the support is dropping like
> > temperature in S/W Ontario........but EVERYTIME I add a non-official car
> to
> > SCGT and buy it in season.............I get a cube error trying to run
> > game...It WILL NOT load Ctaham. I get a "Cube error......cannot locate
> > FLGA00.BMP. If I delete my player......shut down game and then restart
> > game and create a new player......it will work. But as soon as I buy a
> > car.........CTD with the cube error. I am hoping SOMEBODY remembers this
> > problem with SCGT and can help me. I have a large HD now and would love
> > start collecting all the add-ons again. TIA
> Andi.
> > Verne,
> > I have the original fix in zip format, it's 400K do you want me to
> it
> > to you. I can't remember if it really fixed the problem though!
> > Andi.
> > > Okay.......I KNOW this is an old game and the support is dropping like
> the
> > > temperature in S/W Ontario........but EVERYTIME I add a non-official
> > to
> > > SCGT and buy it in season.............I get a cube error trying to run
> the
> > > game...It WILL NOT load Ctaham. I get a "Cube error......cannot locate
> > > FLGA00.BMP. If I delete my player......shut down game and then restart
> the
> > > game and create a new player......it will work. But as soon as I buy a
> > > car.........CTD with the cube error. I am hoping SOMEBODY remembers
> > > problem with SCGT and can help me. I have a large HD now and would
> to
> > > start collecting all the add-ons again. TIA
Here's the web page I created when Haqsau and I created a fix file.
It explains what we did and worked well for us, as I recall.
Info from this link: This works for all tracks except Sebring. - You should take note of the error messages you get when the game crashes //AnimRuleName=logow NOTE: I put // in front of each line to make the game ignore it - this has - You should now be able to play all but Sebring at 1024x768 Now my fix for Sebring: - the SEBAMAP.MAS file seems to be missing 2 image files Good luck,
oup%253Drec.autos.simulators]Sports Car GT[/URL]
(testing html for the link, if it fails, I repost it)
in each of the broken tracks.
- If you haven't already done so get the 'Ban Scene' utility and extract all
the track files.
- Note that the detail level you run the tracks at in the game will
determine which files you'll need to edit. The highest track detail relates
to all the xxxx4.scn files - the lowest = xxxx1.scn.
- Go into the DAT folder and backup all the *.scn files you expect to edit
(eg atln4.scn, chta4.scn, etc.)
- Open up each chosen .scn file and comment out the "AnimRuleName" code
referring to the file reported after the crash (often flga, or logow00.bmp,
etc - if there is no error message just comment out ALL the "AnimRuleName"
code), then save the file. Eg in ATLN4.scn I did this:
// AnimBaseName=logow
// AnimFrames=(4)
// AnimMethod=cycle
// AnimRate=(15.0)
the same effect as deleteing them but its a bit safer.
- Use the MASpuce utility by Tagforce to extract FLGA.BMP from ATLNMAPS.MAS
- Make a copy of it and rename the copy FLGB.BMP
- Use MASpuce to add FLGA.BMP & FLGB.BMP into the SEBAMAP.MAS file.