Hello together,
I think about buying the MadCatz steering wheel/padels.
From several threads I heard that people use it sucessfully with GP2 und
I wonder if the pedals will work with NFS (not the special edition) as
it seems to be one of the games that expect gas/brake on the y-axis of
joystick 1. As far as I know T2 owners (at least of the older ones) have
an adapter that maps the gas/brake pedals from port2 to port1.
My questions:
How is the MadCatz wired?
Are gas/brake using one axis or do they use two axes, (one for gas, one
for brake)?
Are gas/brake already mapped to port1 or is there an adaptor similar to
the T2's?
Thanks for any information.
Michael Kirchner
Lehrstuhl fuer Allg. Elektrotechnik + Akustik _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/
Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum _/ _/ _/ _/ _/
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