League ran wed. night.I saved Replay(1hr and 25 mins long:150,012kb big)
I cant view the replay,but i can view one that is 1hr 14mins
long:110895kb big
have not changed anything,only added tracks(btw this problem has to do
with DaytonaBR_V2).here are my setting in the core.ini file
Any help will be thank'd MILLIONS
record_telem=0 ; Record telemetry to replay?
record_telem_at_physics_rate=0 ; Record telemetry to replay at
physics rate?
record_telem_sample=1 ; Bitwise
record_telem_state_a=8 ; Bitwise
record_telem_state_b=0 ; unused
replay_editor_show_std_sounds=0 ; Include sound samples in
standard table?
replay_editor_show_std_stamps=1 ; Include stamps in standard table?
replay_editor_show_std_strings=1 ; Include localized strings in
standard table?
replayMemoryOverride=0 ; Kbytes of replay memory to use
rpy_editor_bitmap_extension=bmp ; bmp and tga are valid
rpy_editor_sound_extension=wav ; wav and ogg are valid