Latest Patch = bug


Latest Patch = bug

by Zen » Sat, 04 Dec 1999 04:00:00

I was racing like mad for months, improving all the time, until, that is, I


I noticed slight to medium video glitches immediatly. The sim crashed once
or twice (it had NEVER crashed before).

Then it decided not to run anymore. I had to re-install.

Am I alone?



Latest Patch = bug

by Rand » Sun, 05 Dec 1999 04:00:00

v1.2 is very jerky for me.  I have tried complete uninstall/full
install, new drivers for video, sound, & wheel, etc. Still v1.2 sucks
and v1.0 and v1.1 work fine.

I am running;
300a Celeron OC'd to 450
Abit Bx6-2
SB Live
TNT2 Ultra/2 Voodoo II sli
Nascar Pro

I've given up hopes of racing online.

>I was racing like mad for months, improving all the time, until, that is, I


>I noticed slight to medium video glitches immediatly. The sim crashed once
>or twice (it had NEVER crashed before).

>Then it decided not to run anymore. I had to re-install.

>Am I alone?


To email me remove the "u"s
Larry Hawe

Latest Patch = bug

by Larry Hawe » Mon, 06 Dec 1999 04:00:00

Same here Zen. Check thread 'GPL 1.2 Problem'


> I was racing like mad for months, improving all the time, until, that is, I
> installed

> GPL12_U.exe

> I noticed slight to medium video glitches immediatly. The sim crashed once
> or twice (it had NEVER crashed before).

> Then it decided not to run anymore. I had to re-install.

> Am I alone?

> Zen

Don Scurlo

Latest Patch = bug

by Don Scurlo » Mon, 06 Dec 1999 04:00:00

1.0 was very unstable, always locking up when I went into various setup
screens, 1.1 was more stable but had the timing flaw, and 1.2 has been very
stable for me. Go figure.

Don Scurlock
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