Anyone heard if this is a good card? TIA
Today's Blessing:
May the fleas of one thousand camels infest the crotch of the person
Anyone heard if this is a good card? TIA
Today's Blessing:
May the fleas of one thousand camels infest the crotch of the person benchmarked it against the other FX and GF4 cards, and
has nice charts and everything, it's a very good resource
I was considering one as they are relatively cheap, but after seeing the
benchmark results on tomshardware, I'm not sure it's worth putting up with
the extra card slot it takes and the apparently very loud cooling on it,
considering GF4s are faster.
Thanks Alex. As I posted a couple months ago, I was wondering if there
would be a PCI 128mb card available since I have a s##% board with no AGP
slot. Guess that's what I get for buying a budget PC! lol
Anyway, it's gotta be better than the 32mb TNT I'm running now. And like
you said, the price is right! $119 , free shipping
Installed the FX 5200 and with everything set on medium in n2003 I can run
55-70 fps consistently on my 1.8mhz machine.
Not bad for PCI card and huge improvement from my old TNT2.