I have the same video card XFX GeForce 6600GT (AGP 8x)
I have had no problems with the GTL demo. However, When I first installed
the card I had huge problems trying to run Half Life 2. Every time it got to
the first video (cut scene) it would crash hard. After lot's of trouble
shooting it turns out that the extra power connector that the AGP version
requires was not completely seated. I pulled it out and re-connected it and
the problem went away.
The PCI express version of the card does not require the extra power
connector. But if you have the AGP version it's worth a look-see?
good luck
- Pete
> Anyone know anything about CTB (Crash system To Bios screen complete)
> I changed prefs now in XP, it is a STOP error.
> Says probably vid drivers?
> removed the goddam Starforce, and tried doing everything I saw at RSC,
> still get same thing. I don't have AV software on that 'boot partition"
> which is a clean game machine...
> others have same card here geforce6600gt, mines an XFX version, what is
> yours? that did run? must be a motherboard thing then? ACK!!
> any other ideas? seems to me it would be opening movie kills the SOB?