> [...]
> I hate to break it to you, but Papyrus lost the ability to
> self publish titles when they were acquired by Sierra
> in 1995 and then integrated into Sierra Sports...
> ...Lastly, posting your opinion on what direction the
> company should go next on a public newsgroup
> is pretty much a waste of time, they have
> mechanisms set up for that type of thing and
> I suggest you use them. In other words cut,
> - George
Thanks for finally shedding some intelligent light on this topic. I've
been following this thread from the beginning,and one can see from the
various posts who has business experience and who is still taking business
I believe it was Harjan who said that he and most of us would be more
than willing to pay 2 to 3 times the going rate for a sim the quality of
GPL. Well,that wouldn't come close to the numbers that Sierra is looking
for. I believe Nas2 sold more than a million copes as did GP2. So at $50 per
sim that comes to $50,000,000. GPL only sold 40,000 copies,so each person
would have to pay $1250 per copy,not $150 per copy. Big difference. At $150
for 40,000 copies they would have only grossed $6,000,000,so they would be
in the red by $42,000,000.
Then there was a post suggesting that we all sign a up at a web site to
demonstrate to Sierra our commitment. And he was only looking for 10,000
signatures. Well,what about the other 30,000 who purchased gal. Show them
500,000 legit signatures,and maybe you might be getting somewhere.
So lets just drop this silly dumb ass thread and move on.
Joel Willstein