NHRA & 3dfx


NHRA & 3dfx

by thend.. » Wed, 02 Sep 1998 04:00:00

It is impossible to find which cards are supported. Is voodoo1 3dfx
supported in NHRA?



NHRA & 3dfx

by jc » Wed, 02 Sep 1998 04:00:00

evidently not well.  i've heard of a few people having luck on low end systems
using a voodoo 1 based card.  as for me, my pII400 and voodoo 2 card are
seemingly beyond the scope of compatibility.  the game simply _cannot_ run more
than 3 minutes without crashing.

if possible, return the game until some patches are released.  at least you'll
get a better price on it than letting it gather dust while these guys figure
out if they're going to patch it for something besides a Riva graphics card
based system.


Mike F

NHRA & 3dfx

by Mike F » Wed, 02 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I have a p200, 64 megs of ram, and a voodoo...runs great..

Matt Star

NHRA & 3dfx

by Matt Star » Thu, 03 Sep 1998 04:00:00

I also have a P2-400 and have almost no problems except that I cannot use my
pedals.  They textures sometime get messed up.  The cars turn white with no
graphics.  I have been using the AGP selection as opposed to using the low res
version for my Monster 3dII 12 MB.


> >It is impossible to find which cards are supported. Is voodoo1 3dfx
> >supported in NHRA?

> evidently not well.  i've heard of a few people having luck on low end systems
> using a voodoo 1 based card.  as for me, my pII400 and voodoo 2 card are
> seemingly beyond the scope of compatibility.  the game simply _cannot_ run more
> than 3 minutes without crashing.

> if possible, return the game until some patches are released.  at least you'll
> get a better price on it than letting it gather dust while these guys figure
> out if they're going to patch it for something besides a Riva graphics card
> based system.

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