> Goy,
> "Developed" only in respect of technological upkeep, yes.
> In all other respects, F1 has regressed to a point where watching paint dry,
> or a chess game, is about as absorbing.
I did use the word devlop Bruce, and not progress :-)
Well, I'm not *nearly* as old as you are Bruce :-), so I'm afraid my
experience with F1 is of the latter as I only started to watch during
the mid 80's some time, we didn't get the races on TV here before that,
other than that I've only read about it, and I have actually read about
the earlier era as I enjoy reading about history, and motorsport history
more than most other forms of history
Although I have attended a couple of historic race meeting as
Nurburgring, so I'm not totally oblivious to what racing cars used to be
like before TV :-)
I'm not arguing that Monaco doesn't have it's place in F1 history, I'm
just arguing that under the current technichal regulations, it's a waste
of 2 hours on a Sunday where one could do something better but still
sits there and watches with a faint hope that it might actually turn
into a half decent race, like it did when the rain started to fall back
in 97 (?) when Olivier Panis drove a storming race and finished at the
pointy end of the filed in a Ligier, which sort of disproves my comment
about there not havong been a decent race there for 20-30 years, but
even a blind nut finds a squirrel every now and then......:-)
What I'm trying to get at, if they're not going to do something about
the cars, and clearly they are not since turning the clock back on
regulations and tech development is all but impossible, then they need
to do something about the tracks, and as far as I'm conscerned, they
should start with Monaco, I only followed the top 8 as TV as usual don't
grasp that there may be some racing going on further back in the field,
but they could be right this time of course, and between those in the
top 8 there wasn't a single pass made, nor was there a serious attempt
at a pass, at least they attempt at most of the other tracks
There doesn't have to be a ton of passes to make a good race, CART
introduced the Hansford device a couple yyears back and I remember
watching the 500 at Michigan (?), they did like 4 passes for the lead
every lap, that's not no fun to watch, an attempt at a pass can be just
as much fun to watch as a completed pass, although the kind of passes
that Hakkinen did on Schumi at Spa a couple of years ago is better than
ateempted pass :-), but there needs to be some on the track racing going
on, because quite frankly watching these aerodynamic wonders going
through a corner isn't much fun
Jim Clarck going through a corner in a Lotus Cortina (I've seen footage
of that) is fun to watch and I could probabky spend a whole day watching
cars going through corners like that even if there wasn't a single pass
attempted or made and still feel I'd gotten my money's worth, but with
modern F1 cars.....I need some racing, and tracks like Moncao does not
provide that
Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"goyl at nettx dot no"
"A man is only as old as the woman he feels........"
--Groucho Marx--