Yeah - I also use an Indy car as my daily driver - it certainly gets
me to work on time. I have to use hand signals of course, because
there are no indicators on it. and the police don't like me wearing a
crash helmet because it's illegal. It's also a bit of a *** in the
dark - no lights .....;o]
I try not to use my Nascar auto, because the wheelspin wakes the
neighbours up in the morning and I don't want to upset them. It's fun
in traffic because I can ram other drivers of the road if they upset
I may just have to get myself a Thrust SSC, because everybody drives
those now. I don't know what it'll be like in traffic, but I guess the
twin jets will keep the boy-racers off my ***.... oh yes - and
reversing may be a bit tricky .....
I tried that on the roundabout under the Croydon fly-over, but I hit
the wall (true!!)
Other than that, Nascar Racing is the ideal program to simulate daily
driving conditions.
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