GPL Glider Flicker


GPL Glider Flicker

by Jame » Wed, 19 Jan 2000 04:00:00

I've downloaded the latest beta Open GL driver for GPL and installed it.
The game now runs in Open GL using my Diamond Viper V770 (latest drivers
installed as of yesterday).  When I turn up the screen res or put all of the
textures in the screen flickers with jagged transparent brown polygons.
When using it at lower screen res in***pit mode the same happens to the
mirrors.  Anyone got any cures?

James Long


GPL Glider Flicker

by Jame » Wed, 19 Jan 2000 04:00:00

That subject should have been Glide Flicker!


Peter 'kayakr' Ashle

GPL Glider Flicker

by Peter 'kayakr' Ashle » Thu, 20 Jan 2000 04:00:00

is that a tnt2?  use latest nvidia drivers or press f2 to get replay then go
back to game.  set mirrors=every 6 and there is also a buffer flip
environment variable.

Jim Mitze

GPL Glider Flicker

by Jim Mitze » Thu, 20 Jan 2000 04:00:00

If your using the nvidia detonator drivers for your diamond viper then go to
opengl tab of the advanced display properties and change the Buffer Flipping
Mode from auto detect to "block transfer".

If your using diamond display driver check and see if it has a similar
option. If not I can give you the registry settings to put in manually. I am
using Asus v3800 (tnt2 ultra) and I put the settings in the registry

enjoy your GPL without that annoying flickering.


Jim Mitze

GPL Glider Flicker

by Jim Mitze » Thu, 20 Jan 2000 04:00:00

One other thing: once you set the buffer flipping to block transfer, then
you can use the default setting for mirrors in the core.ini


> If your using the nvidia detonator drivers for your diamond viper then go
> opengl tab of the advanced display properties and change the Buffer
> Mode from auto detect to "block transfer".

> If your using diamond display driver check and see if it has a similar
> option. If not I can give you the registry settings to put in manually. I
> using Asus v3800 (tnt2 ultra) and I put the settings in the registry
> manually.

> enjoy your GPL without that annoying flickering.

> JM

> > I've downloaded the latest beta Open GL driver for GPL and installed it.
> > The game now runs in Open GL using my Diamond Viper V770 (latest drivers
> > installed as of yesterday).  When I turn up the screen res or put all of
> the
> > textures in the screen flickers with jagged transparent brown polygons.
> > When using it at lower screen res in***pit mode the same happens to
> > mirrors.  Anyone got any cures?

> > James Long

Stefan Soderhol

GPL Glider Flicker

by Stefan Soderhol » Thu, 20 Jan 2000 04:00:00

Do you mean that this cures the mirror problems with OpenGL in GPL,
can't wait til I get home so I can test it!!


> One other thing: once you set the buffer flipping to block transfer, then
> you can use the default setting for mirrors in the core.ini

> JM

> > If your using the nvidia detonator drivers for your diamond viper then go
> to
> > opengl tab of the advanced display properties and change the Buffer
> Flipping
> > Mode from auto detect to "block transfer".

> > If your using diamond display driver check and see if it has a similar
> > option. If not I can give you the registry settings to put in manually. I
> am
> > using Asus v3800 (tnt2 ultra) and I put the settings in the registry
> > manually.

> > enjoy your GPL without that annoying flickering.

> > JM

> > > I've downloaded the latest beta Open GL driver for GPL and installed it.
> > > The game now runs in Open GL using my Diamond Viper V770 (latest drivers
> > > installed as of yesterday).  When I turn up the screen res or put all of
> > the
> > > textures in the screen flickers with jagged transparent brown polygons.
> > > When using it at lower screen res in***pit mode the same happens to
> the
> > > mirrors.  Anyone got any cures?

> > > James Long

Jim Mitze

GPL Glider Flicker

by Jim Mitze » Thu, 20 Jan 2000 04:00:00

It definetly cures the flicker. As far as having to run with core.ini set to
mirrors > 1, I am still working on how to get the best framerate while using
mirrors=1 by optimizing opengl settings in the registry (or in the advanced
display properties). I have already found one setting that seems to
significantly improve the frame rate.

"Enable alternate depth buffering technique" enabling this definitely helps.
This is shown in my advanced display properties with asus v3800 driver
version 3.66b2. I don't know if it is called something else in the nvidia
reference drivers but I will check that out.

More to follow....


> Do you mean that this cures the mirror problems with OpenGL in GPL,
> can't wait til I get home so I can test it!!

> /Stefan

> > One other thing: once you set the buffer flipping to block transfer,
> > you can use the default setting for mirrors in the core.ini

> > JM

> > > If your using the nvidia detonator drivers for your diamond viper then
> > to
> > > opengl tab of the advanced display properties and change the Buffer
> > Flipping
> > > Mode from auto detect to "block transfer".

> > > If your using diamond display driver check and see if it has a similar
> > > option. If not I can give you the registry settings to put in
manually. I
> > am
> > > using Asus v3800 (tnt2 ultra) and I put the settings in the registry
> > > manually.

> > > enjoy your GPL without that annoying flickering.

> > > JM

> > > > I've downloaded the latest beta Open GL driver for GPL and installed
> > > > The game now runs in Open GL using my Diamond Viper V770 (latest
> > > > installed as of yesterday).  When I turn up the screen res or put
all of
> > > the
> > > > textures in the screen flickers with jagged transparent brown
> > > > When using it at lower screen res in***pit mode the same happens
> > the
> > > > mirrors.  Anyone got any cures?

> > > > James Long


GPL Glider Flicker

by Jame » Thu, 20 Jan 2000 04:00:00

I didn't have a mirrors=1 or mirrors>1 setting, but I did have a
mirrorsevery = 1 setting.  Is this the same?

> It definetly cures the flicker. As far as having to run with core.ini set
> mirrors > 1, I am still working on how to get the best framerate while
> mirrors=1 by optimizing opengl settings in the registry (or in the
> display properties). I have already found one setting that seems to
> significantly improve the frame rate.

> "Enable alternate depth buffering technique" enabling this definitely
> This is shown in my advanced display properties with asus v3800 driver
> version 3.66b2. I don't know if it is called something else in the nvidia
> reference drivers but I will check that out.

> More to follow....

> JM

> > Do you mean that this cures the mirror problems with OpenGL in GPL,
> > can't wait til I get home so I can test it!!

> > /Stefan

> > > One other thing: once you set the buffer flipping to block transfer,
> then
> > > you can use the default setting for mirrors in the core.ini

> > > JM

> > > > If your using the nvidia detonator drivers for your diamond viper
> go
> > > to
> > > > opengl tab of the advanced display properties and change the Buffer
> > > Flipping
> > > > Mode from auto detect to "block transfer".

> > > > If your using diamond display driver check and see if it has a
> > > > option. If not I can give you the registry settings to put in
> manually. I
> > > am
> > > > using Asus v3800 (tnt2 ultra) and I put the settings in the registry
> > > > manually.

> > > > enjoy your GPL without that annoying flickering.

> > > > JM

> > > > > I've downloaded the latest beta Open GL driver for GPL and
> it.
> > > > > The game now runs in Open GL using my Diamond Viper V770 (latest
> drivers
> > > > > installed as of yesterday).  When I turn up the screen res or put
> all of
> > > > the
> > > > > textures in the screen flickers with jagged transparent brown
> polygons.
> > > > > When using it at lower screen res in***pit mode the same happens
> to
> > > the
> > > > > mirrors.  Anyone got any cures?

> > > > > James Long


GPL Glider Flicker

by Jame » Thu, 20 Jan 2000 04:00:00

Thanks for the help with the mirrors.  The setting worked a treat.
What sort of frame rates should I be getting from a P600 with 256meg of RAM
and a Diamond Viper (not Ultra) with 32meg?

At the moment with the Open GL Beta 2 driver and the core.ini provided with
the Open GL driver I get just over 20fps with any cars in shot and about
25fps without.  This seems a bit low to me.  Is it 'cos the OpenGL driver
isn't a native GPL supported thing?  Are there any suggestions for
increasing this frame rate.

Regards video options.  I have all trackside objects on (they're good
reference points for braking points, etc I find), but no horizon, no grass
texture, no trees and no clouds on.  I am running at 1024x768.


P.S.  These framerates are certainly alot better than my old P200Pro with a
Voodoo ran!

> I didn't have a mirrors=1 or mirrors>1 setting, but I did have a
> mirrorsevery = 1 setting.  Is this the same?

> > It definetly cures the flicker. As far as having to run with core.ini
> to
> > mirrors > 1, I am still working on how to get the best framerate while
> using
> > mirrors=1 by optimizing opengl settings in the registry (or in the
> advanced
> > display properties). I have already found one setting that seems to
> > significantly improve the frame rate.

> > "Enable alternate depth buffering technique" enabling this definitely
> helps.
> > This is shown in my advanced display properties with asus v3800 driver
> > version 3.66b2. I don't know if it is called something else in the
> > reference drivers but I will check that out.

> > More to follow....

> > JM

> > > Do you mean that this cures the mirror problems with OpenGL in GPL,
> > > can't wait til I get home so I can test it!!

> > > /Stefan

> > > > One other thing: once you set the buffer flipping to block transfer,
> > then
> > > > you can use the default setting for mirrors in the core.ini

> > > > JM

> > > > > If your using the nvidia detonator drivers for your diamond viper
> then
> > go
> > > > to
> > > > > opengl tab of the advanced display properties and change the
> > > > Flipping
> > > > > Mode from auto detect to "block transfer".

> > > > > If your using diamond display driver check and see if it has a
> similar
> > > > > option. If not I can give you the registry settings to put in
> > manually. I
> > > > am
> > > > > using Asus v3800 (tnt2 ultra) and I put the settings in the
> > > > > manually.

> > > > > enjoy your GPL without that annoying flickering.

> > > > > JM

> > > > > > I've downloaded the latest beta Open GL driver for GPL and
> installed
> > it.
> > > > > > The game now runs in Open GL using my Diamond Viper V770 (latest
> > drivers
> > > > > > installed as of yesterday).  When I turn up the screen res or
> > all of
> > > > > the
> > > > > > textures in the screen flickers with jagged transparent brown
> > polygons.
> > > > > > When using it at lower screen res in***pit mode the same
> > to
> > > > the
> > > > > > mirrors.  Anyone got any cures?

> > > > > > James Long

Steve Garrot

GPL Glider Flicker

by Steve Garrot » Fri, 21 Jan 2000 04:00:00

I am sooooo glad someone else is doing this, and it is not me! Thanks
for all your work on the subject and I look forward to your report.


>It definetly cures the flicker. As far as having to run with core.ini set to
>mirrors > 1, I am still working on how to get the best framerate while using
>mirrors=1 by optimizing opengl settings in the registry (or in the advanced
>display properties). I have already found one setting that seems to
>significantly improve the frame rate.

>"Enable alternate depth buffering technique" enabling this definitely helps.
>This is shown in my advanced display properties with asus v3800 driver
>version 3.66b2. I don't know if it is called something else in the nvidia
>reference drivers but I will check that out.

>More to follow....


>> Do you mean that this cures the mirror problems with OpenGL in GPL,
>> can't wait til I get home so I can test it!!

>> /Stefan

>> > One other thing: once you set the buffer flipping to block transfer,
>> > you can use the default setting for mirrors in the core.ini

>> > JM

>> > > If your using the nvidia detonator drivers for your diamond viper then
>> > to
>> > > opengl tab of the advanced display properties and change the Buffer
>> > Flipping
>> > > Mode from auto detect to "block transfer".

>> > > If your using diamond display driver check and see if it has a similar
>> > > option. If not I can give you the registry settings to put in
>manually. I
>> > am
>> > > using Asus v3800 (tnt2 ultra) and I put the settings in the registry
>> > > manually.

>> > > enjoy your GPL without that annoying flickering.

>> > > JM

>> > > > I've downloaded the latest beta Open GL driver for GPL and installed
>> > > > The game now runs in Open GL using my Diamond Viper V770 (latest
>> > > > installed as of yesterday).  When I turn up the screen res or put
>all of
>> > > the
>> > > > textures in the screen flickers with jagged transparent brown
>> > > > When using it at lower screen res in***pit mode the same happens
>> > the
>> > > > mirrors.  Anyone got any cures?

>> > > > James Long

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