terrified of racing!" thread.
Reading the posts has brought back memories of the first few months on Hawaii.
DAMN! That was great! I remember the first time I went into the drivers room,
electric. Everyone talking about Hawaii, what was going on that week, bugs
that were being found and fixed, drivers discussing setups and strategy - great
stuff, we all felt so involved! The race screen at the top, all the drivers
listed, races lined up.
Sweat on my hands isn't the word for it. Butterflies in my stomach...foot
jittering on the brake pedal as I sat in the pits at dega'. And then the cars
going by me. On the track, through the pits and everyone was a guy in some
other part of the world, truly amazing. I sat there for a few minutes before
easing down pitlane. All the while I chided myself for being
nervous....Christ! It's just a game! :))
As I recall, I learned quickly that it's best to get a good qualifying setup to
be near the front when the "big one" took place, as usual, into turn one. But
all-in-all, just a one-of-a-kind time.
My Brother and I spent almost as much time on setups as we did talking to long
distance carriers, trying to get the best deal we could on phone rates.
Checking your mail to see if there was any new info.
Getting the newest update and upgrade whenever you logged on.
Waiting for a race "administrator."
Saturday nights.
Met some nice guys there too....names I remember are Fratedog...GT86...Cmone...
Shell....fast, clean and always helpful. Talk in the drivers room was almost
always about racing, how to do it better and faster. New guys were helped as
well and as often as was necessary. Just a fun and exciting time in sim racing
history...and since then, no matter how a sim multi-player is laid out, it
never feels quite the same as Hawaii.
Just a few memories...
Mike (Wozmon on Hawaii)