Be wary of that I/O magic video card, I bought it and found out it was
a ripoff. You'd be better off buying another voodoo 2 and running them
in sli mode. You'd probably get way better frame rates.
> Andrew,
> Did you reinstall Direct X after installing the new TNT2 card?
> -Paul
> Western States Racing League:
> My reply address is false.
> Please post replies to this news group.
> If you need to e-mail me, it's
> scan-man at home dot com
> > I picked up a generic TNT2 32mb AGP card. Installed fine.
> > N3 to select the D3D option upon installation.
> > When I attempt to launch the game, I get a blank screen but I hear
> > intro music and the .avi start up. Never comes to the game screen.
> > Any ideas?
> > Pii-333mhz
> > 128mb Ram
> > i/o Magic tnt2
> > was using a voodoo2 12mb to run the game in glide. No problems
> > but framerates weren't the greatest. Wanted to compare to D3D using
> > this TNT2.
> > Thanks,
> > Andrew
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Before you buy.