Peter Burke writes:
> Subject: Re: I can't get SVGA mode goin on Indycar Racing, Only VGA -
> Date: Tue, 29 Nov 1994 08:24:13 GMT
> writes:
> >>>This is exactly what it says (except for the bracketed bit).
> >>>And what makes me think its still VGA is that My monitor says STD VGA
> on the
> >>>LCD display when I'm racing - HELP!!!!!
> >Indeed, an SVGA monitor will help the framerate immensely in IndyCar, but
> >you're still not going to get 640x480 resolution. Having an SVGA
> monitor does
> >not automatically give you a higher resolution in a VGA game.
> >To launch an analogy:
> >SVGA monitor helps the VGA graphics in IndyCar Racing
> >as
> >64-bit graphics helps SVGA graphics in NASCAR Racing.
> Ralf - no! The type of monitor you use means NOTHING regarding
> the framerates in any game. Monitors can either display a
> certain resolution at a certain refresh rate (usually 60hz for any
> standard VGA mode).
> Myabe you meant to say - SVGA monitor indicates decent graphics
> card and therefore better graphics performance for Indycar. But even
> that may not be true in all cases, as there are a few 32-bit video
> cards that essentially suck in the VGA and MCGA modes most games
> run in. NASCAR just needs all the speed you can buy - if you have
> the money, take a look at Nubmer 9's new 128-bit graphics card ;-)
> Peter
Accually, a 128-bit graphics card will not get you a better
frame rate for Nascar. 128-bit refers to the communication
path between the graphics board accelerator and the graphics
board video memory. Since Nascar does not use the graphics
accelorator on any video boards then it won't help at all.
Only programs (like Windows and AutoCad) which use a video
driver can take advantage of a graphics accelorator card.
In reality, many graphics accelator video card on the market
will slow down the DOS performance graphics.
The best performance that you can get for DOS games like Nascar
is 32-bit bus like PCI or VESA. This will get you improved
frame rate over ISA (16-bit) video card.
- Marcos
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