anyone buying Forza Racing ?


anyone buying Forza Racing ?

by meee » Fri, 29 Apr 2005 22:09:11

I am probably going to get it, even though I was not that impress by the
demo I played a few months ago. However it received a very positive review
in an article in Popular Science magazine, in which an experienced race car
driver drove the actual race track, Road Atlanta I believe, after having
played the game. He was able to drive better in the game than an experienced
sim-racer that also drove the actual course as well as playing the game.
Both men had positive feedback concerning the game as it relates to their
real world driving experience.
Consequently, I guess I will have to give the finished game another look.

anyone buying Forza Racing ?

by FooAtar » Sat, 30 Apr 2005 02:29:29

I will bw picking it up.  The game is a very different beast to the demo.  
Apprantly it is very realisitc.  Nothing compared with the likes of GPL
and GTR but still a very authetic racer and well worth a look IMO.

Im too young for this s**t!

Live GamerTag - FooAtari

My games collection and Live games: - Motorsport Internet TV.


anyone buying Forza Racing ?

by Dav » Sat, 30 Apr 2005 06:49:17

>I am probably going to get it, even though I was not that impress by the
>demo I played a few months ago. However it received a very positive review
>in an article in Popular Science magazine,

I'm picking it up.  Though the PS piece, which I consider to be
pretty much an ad for the game, has little sway on my decision.  I
thought the demo was pretty good with aids off.  Well, I usually
left the ABS on as the brakes were far too touchy with ABS-off
(apparently a known issue).
F50 G

anyone buying Forza Racing ?

by F50 G » Sat, 30 Apr 2005 13:54:55

I am considering getting an XBox for this game but will wait to
read/hear reviews.  I have a couple of friends with Xboxes and they said
I can rent it and try it.

F50 GT

>>I am probably going to get it, even though I was not that impress by
>>the demo I played a few months ago. However it received a very
>>positive review in an article in Popular Science magazine, in which an
>>experienced race car driver drove the actual race track, Road Atlanta
>>I believe, after having played the game. He was able to drive better
>>in the game than an experienced sim-racer that also drove the actual
>>course as well as playing the game. Both men had positive feedback
>>concerning the game as it relates to their real world driving
>>experience. Consequently, I guess I will have to give the finished
>>game another look.

> I will bw picking it up.  The game is a very different beast to the demo.  
> Apprantly it is very realisitc.  Nothing compared with the likes of GPL
> and GTR but still a very authetic racer and well worth a look IMO.

jason moye

anyone buying Forza Racing ?

by jason moye » Sat, 30 Apr 2005 15:02:20

> I will bw picking it up.  The game is a very different beast to the
> Apprantly it is very realisitc.  Nothing compared with the likes of
> and GTR but still a very authetic racer and well worth a look IMO.

Isn't Forza Motorsport made by MGR?  If so, they've already released 3
titles that are pretty comparable to GTR.

anyone buying Forza Racing ?

by FooAtar » Sat, 30 Apr 2005 18:15:44

>> I will bw picking it up.  The game is a very different beast to the
> demo.
>> Apprantly it is very realisitc.  Nothing compared with the likes of
>> and GTR but still a very authetic racer and well worth a look IMO.

> Isn't Forza Motorsport made by MGR?  If so, they've already released 3
> titles that are pretty comparable to GTR.

Erm, MGS I think (Microsoft Game Studios)

What 3 titles you talking about?

Im too young for this s**t!

Live GamerTag - FooAtari

My games collection and Live games: - Motorsport Internet TV.


anyone buying Forza Racing ?

by DanK » Sun, 01 May 2005 06:52:04

> I am probably going to get it, even though I was not that impress by the
> demo I played a few months ago. However it received a very positive review
> in an article in Popular Science magazine, in which an experienced race car
> driver drove the actual race track, Road Atlanta I believe, after having
> played the game. He was able to drive better in the game than an experienced
> sim-racer that also drove the actual course as well as playing the game.
> Both men had positive feedback concerning the game as it relates to their
> real world driving experience.
> Consequently, I guess I will have to give the finished game another look.

I'm planning on picking it up. If I can, I'll try and wait a couple days
after it's out to hear what the general consensus is about the final
polished product. But, how can you go wrong with the feature set it has?
If nothing else, it should be the best sim on the xBox (well, besides
RBR, but that only came out in PAL IIRC)


Todd Walke

anyone buying Forza Racing ?

by Todd Walke » Mon, 09 May 2005 15:55:07


I got it today and have been playing it all afternoon and night. It's a
fantastic game and by far the best racing game on any console. I have a
PS2 and Xbox and Forza is better than Project Gotham 2, GT3/GT4, all of
them. The graphics are terrific (better than GT4,) the car physics are
head and shoulders above anything else on a console, the tracks are
perfectly modeled. The sound isn't great -- PGR2 is better in the sound
area, but everything else is first rate.

Todd Walker

Steve Simpso

anyone buying Forza Racing ?

by Steve Simpso » Mon, 09 May 2005 20:49:05

I haven't played the full version but the demo physics didn't seem as good  
as say, RBR (another console racer).  The tracks in the demo were dead  
flat meaning it was virtually impossible to see if the suspension physics  
were any good.


anyone buying Forza Racing ?

by Dav » Mon, 09 May 2005 21:13:39

I just got it too and only played with it about an hour yesterday.
Caveat: I am usually a bit underwhelmed after all the pre-hype and
glowing reviews.  I tend to be critical at first, then set
back, relax, and enjoy the good things.  Bear that in mind ...

Graphics - disappointed.  Some say better than GT4, others still
maintain GT4 is better.  For now, I prefer GT4's.  They are close
enough that either side has its legitimate arguments.  It isn't
that much better or worse and given the XBOX power, I expected
more (or credit PD as just that expert at milking the PS2's
capabilities).  You do get 8 cars on a track vs GT's 6.

At first I stared at Forza's replay mode wondering why they messed
up the nice interface they had in PGR2 (different but related
development team).  Now when you switch cameras or cars, it slowly
rolls up letterbox borders, presents the few options, the slowly
rolls the borders back out.  Why?  And when you switch cars,
there's a ~2 second delay.  Why?  And you can no longer use the
L/R view keys.  And why all the hazy backgrounds?  Going for GT
artsy, I guess.

But then I tried the telemetry screens (readily accessed from
replay). Brilliant!  So MSG, you are partly forgiven :-)

Physics - I'm non-discerning enough that I find both believable.  
GT4's brakes are too forgiving, just plant and forget.  Forza's
are still way too touchy.  There were claims that the demo had
known problems here and would be fixed.  I don't think they were.
Hampered by lack of good wheel support.  It's hard to go back to a
small jerky controller.

Racing AI?
Well, I've raced (and won) two races.  Jury is still out.  I
think they are deliberately slow and gentle at first.  At least it
isn't bumper cars.  Can't be worse than GT's.

On the plus, besides the telemetry, they have autoX courses (with
5 second cone penalties?!).

I'm sure I'll end out enjoying it.  But right now it doesn't jump
out at me as better than GT4.  If you are into on-line, I'm sure
it is a no-brainer though.


anyone buying Forza Racing ?

by Joe6 » Tue, 10 May 2005 01:13:22

>I haven't played the full version but the demo physics didn't seem as good  
>as say, RBR (another console racer).  The tracks in the demo were dead  
>flat meaning it was virtually impossible to see if the suspension physics  
>were any good.

The game has some point-to-point tracks with extreme elevation


Rob Berryhil

anyone buying Forza Racing ?

by Rob Berryhil » Tue, 10 May 2005 04:17:56


I thought this too at first, but if you upgrade your brakes, they are
adjustable and you can really make them as sensitive as you want and it
*REALLY* helps a lot.

Rob Berryhill

Todd Walke

anyone buying Forza Racing ?

by Todd Walke » Tue, 10 May 2005 11:27:20


Are you running both at HD resolution? I am and Forza is definitely
better. Just curious how both look at standard def...

Todd Walker


anyone buying Forza Racing ?

by Dav » Tue, 10 May 2005 19:29:32

>> Graphics - disappointed.  Some say better than GT4, others still
>> maintain GT4 is better.  For now, I prefer GT4's.  They are close
>> enough that either side has its legitimate arguments.
>Are you running both at HD resolution? I am and Forza is definitely
>better. Just curious how both look at standard def...

I run both in 480p on a 50" HD LCD rear-proj.  To me, GT4 looks
slightly better at this res than at 1080i, and much better than at

To be sure, Forza has less shimmers and less aliasing.  The road
looks better, track is more detailed.  But I guess I just prefer
GT4's lighting, color pallette, and just their general approach in
how to model a car.  Their cars just plain look nicer to me.  
Everything in Forza look more like drawings than photos.  As
someone has pointed out, GT4 may be "cheating" with lighting.  But
if so, the cheat works!

I see it more as a preference than any clear absolute that one is
better than the other.

Todd Walke

anyone buying Forza Racing ?

by Todd Walke » Thu, 12 May 2005 06:47:51


I thought it was just me ;-) I use 480p on my 65" Mitsubishi rear
projection and it looks great.

Very true. I have been playing Forza for three days straight now so I
might crank up GT4 in a bit to refresh my memory on how it looks. The
driving itself though is no contest -- Forza kicks the shit out of GT4.

I need to go rent Enthusia. It looks very promising too. I was
originally going to buy Enthusia on Saturday then I realized Forza was
out too and it won out in the end.

Todd Walker
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