Sounds like your problem is with Nascar sims and not specifically these titles. You're the idiot
who bought them if you're not into Nascar and ovals. To the original poster, don't listen to this
bitter little twit, N2002 is a far cry better than N4, and if you want to race on-line, N2002 is the
much better choice.
"Don't touch that please, your primitive intellect wouldn't understand
alloys and compositions and,......things with molecular structures,....and
the....." - Ash
> No. It is not a lot better. The cars seems easier to control, but I do not
> think the sim is better, just different.
> My only reason for buying N2002 was that I thought noone was doing N4
> anymore. Do I have more fun with N2002 than with N4? No. Left turns still
> turns to the left. Online crashes still happen when pacing. Wreckers still
> are ruining Bristol races. Too many drivers still choose to ram the poor guy
> in front rather than to lift off or braking on SS tracks.
> If there still are an active N4 crowd, I'd say that buying N4 is a waste of
> money, unless you would like to get the driving lessons provided with N2002.
> GPL still gives me the white knuckles. N4 and N2002 don't.
> Jon Andersen
> > Hello,
> > I currently have NASCAR Racing 4 and use it for the occasional blat
> > while my real love stays with GPL.
> > I find after GPL it is nice to sling a giant NASCAR around for a few hours
> > sometimes!
> > My question is, should I upgrade to N2002? I am not really bothered about
> > driver names and wonder if there is any other significant feature in the
> sim
> > that justifies an upgrade. I gather the physics modelling is better, but
> > how much better?
> > Cheers,
> > Jon.