|> : Any of you familar with this game?
|> Yep, played the original quiet a bit and loved it...
|> : I've been talking to a guy at Microprose about doing Formula One Grand
|> : Prix II for the Playstation, and he is under the impression that people
|> : who own consoles are not interested in accurate simulations. Is he right?
|> Not really, I'm tired of a lot of software companies views that most
|> of the people who have consoles just want to play arcade and action
|> games, it isn't true.. I'm sure that they could do a Word Circuit 2 on the
|> PSX easily, and I know that I'd get it if they did.
I've included rec.autos.simulators in this discussion. So let's
hear how many people there would play simulators on a console.
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