RARS Bi-weekly Race Report
& News About Upcoming Races
March 17, 1995
RARS is the Robot Auto Racing Simulation, a competition for
programmers and an on-going challenge for practicioners of Artificial
Intelligence and real-time adaptive optimal control. It consists of
a simulation of the physics of cars racing on a track, a graphic
display of the race, and a separate control program (robot "driver")
for each car. All RARS software and activities are free and open to
the public. It runs on DOS, Windows, OS/2, UNIX, Linux, and several
other platforms. For more information e-mail to rsc...@alpha.netusa.net.
Driver Profile
Todays Races
Preliminary lap times
March 17 Race Report
Authors Point Standings
Upcoming Races
A) Driver Name/Country/City
Nicole Greiber / Germany / Wuppertal
B) Operating system and platform.
OS/2 3.0 Watcom C/C++ 10.0A
C) Number of Lines of Code
about 900
D) Date you first started working on RARS
E) One thing you thing is unique/best about your robot He tries to
calculate speed etc. based on (I hope) real physics, and he fails
badly with it...
F) One thing you thing is worst/most needed for your robot Proper
handling of braking; a better strategy to drive through several bends
that have the same orientation
G) (if you can) A one paragraph statement of your robots strategy.
Marvin calculates the driving lane at each call depending on the
current and the two next segments. He remembers certain track
patterns (e.g. in the second bend of a chicane he still knows that
it's a chicane). The passing algorithm is taken from Mitchell's
tutorial car
Here is a repeat of the announcement about todays races:
March 17th, Fioran2 and Adelaid2 Stocker Division Races, 40 laps
No. of races 2 novice and 2 stocker each division
Tracks: Fiorano2 and Adelaid2
Laps: 40 each race
Software version: 0.64
Surface Type: 1
no practice, random starting order.
The drivers will be uploaded to ftp.ijs.com to a file called
driv0317.zip in 1-3 days. In the file you will find RamStock.
Preliminary lap times
Fiorano #2
Car Laps Avg MPH Damage Fuel Notes
Exp RamStock 7 68.81 127 Updated
Exp Lisa 7 68.58 127
Exp Sticky 7 63.13 122
Nov Phred 7 50.34 128
Exp StuckCar 2 62.88 30000+ 143 (Disqualified)
Nov Tokkie 1 61.49 30000+ 143 (Disqualified)
Nov Stalker 1 59.72 30000+ 143 (Disqualified)
Nov CoultSft 1 61.61 30023 142 (Disqualified)
Adelaide #2
Car Laps Avg MPH Damage Fuel
Exp RamStock 7 72.12 122 Updated
Exp Lisa 7 71.97 123
Exp StuckCar 7 71.24 123
Nov Tokkie 7 69.10 120
Nov CoultSft 7 68.94 119
Nov Stalker 7 68.40 120
Exp Sticky 7 65.84 118
Nov Phred 7 54.64 121
Preliminary Report
Race Reports
First race, novices. I ran the experts along as traffic. I disqualified
those who couldn't make it for 7 laps.
No real difference from last session. No real commentary needed as
there was only one novice car.
4 cars for 40 laps. The track was fiorano2.trk. The drivers were:
RamStock, Sticky, Lisa, and Phred.
The initial RVG seed was 58884.
results of race 1:
starting positions:
Phred, Lisa, Sticky, and RamStock.
1 RamStock avg spd 68.46 40 laps 15460 damage 23 fuel 10 pts accum
2 Lisa avg spd 67.78 40 laps 20995 damage 20 fuel 6 pts accum
3 Sticky avg spd 62.8 37 laps 18750 damage 5 fuel 4 pts accum
4 Phred avg spd 50.32 30 laps 20261 damage 58 fuel 3 pts accum
The movie is in a zip file called mv0317n1.zip (MoVie, date,
Novice, 1st race).
2nd race, novices.
8 cars for 40 laps. The track was adelaid2.trk. The drivers were:
StukCar2, RamStock, Sticky, Lisa, Stalker, Tokkie, Phred, and CoultSft.
The initial RVG seed was 45096.
results of race 1:
starting positions:
Sticky, Stalker, Lisa, CoultSft, Tokkie, RamStock, StukCar2, and Phred.
1 Lisa avg spd 71.18 40 laps 17087 damage 144 fuel 10 pts accum
2 Stalker avg spd 68 39 laps 29368 damage 136 fuel 6 pts accum
3 Tokkie avg spd 67.87 39 laps 21185 damage 134 fuel 4 pts accum
4 RamStock avg spd 71.47 38 laps 30347 damage 3 fuel 3 pts accum
5 Sticky avg spd 65.31 37 laps 9096 damage 133 fuel 2 pts accum
6 Phred avg spd 54.64 31 laps 20788 damage 21 fuel 1 pts accum
7 StukCar2 avg spd 69.37 17 laps 30351 damage 78 fuel 0 pts accum
8 CoultSft avg spd 0 0 laps 30055 damage 145 fuel 0 pts accum
The movie is in a zip file called mv0317n2.zip (MoVie, date,
Novice, 2nd race).
Expert race 1:
4 cars for 40 laps. The track was fiorano2.trk. The drivers were:
RamStock, Sticky, Lisa, and Phred.
The initial RVG seed was 2306.
results of race 1:
starting positions:
RamStock, Lisa, Phred, and Sticky.
1 Lisa avg spd 68.07 40 laps 29290 damage 21 fuel 10 pts accum
2 RamStock avg spd 68.27 38 laps 31176 damage 31 fuel 6 pts accum
3 Phred avg spd 50.35 30 laps 24154 damage 59 fuel 4 pts accum
4 Sticky avg spd 62.21 21 laps 30878 damage 67 fuel 3 pts accum
The movie is in a zip file called mv0317e1.zip (MoVie, date,
Expert, 1st race).
Expert race 2:
8 cars for 40 laps. The track was adelaid2.trk. The drivers were:
StukCar2, RamStock, Sticky, Lisa, Stalker, Tokkie, Phred, and CoultSft.
The initial RVG seed was 9161.
results of race 1:
starting positions:
Lisa, RamStock, Phred, Sticky, Tokkie, Stalker, StukCar2, and CoultSft.
1 Phred avg spd 54.48 40 laps 26102 damage 136 fuel 10 pts accum
2 StukCar2 avg spd 70.36 38 laps 30134 damage 0 fuel 6 pts accum
3 Sticky avg spd 65.05 37 laps 30582 damage 133 fuel 4 pts accum
4 Tokkie avg spd 68.38 34 laps 30149 damage 3 fuel 3 pts accum
5 RamStock avg spd 71.18 30 laps 30134 damage 30 fuel 2 pts accum
6 Stalker avg spd 68.39 29 laps 31181 damage 25 fuel 1 pts accum
7 Lisa avg spd 71.01 26 laps 30479 damage 45 fuel 0 pts accum
8 CoultSft avg spd 66.93 2 laps 30063 damage 137 fuel 0 pts accum
The movie is in a zip file called mv0317e2.zip (MoVie, date,
Expert, 2nd race).
Looks like people better start watching for collisions!
Points for Day - Unlimited Division
Driver Race 1 Race 2 Total Seasons Seasons Total
Ramstock 6 3 9 4 18
Sticky 3 4 7 3 39
StukCar2 6 6 2 8
Lisa 10 2 12 6 22
Phred 4 10 14 10 10
Stalker* 10 10 6 26
Tokkie 6 6 4 24
Phred* 10 4 14 10 0 (moves to expert)
Coultsft 3 3 3 6
(* means has 1 win towards advancement to expert)
Expert Division History - Stocker Division
Car Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 11/12 12/24 01/21 02/18 03/17 Driver Country
Sticky 39 1 1 0 0 0 0 10 10 6 10 3 Nicole Greiber Germany
Ramstock 18 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 6 4 4 4 Randy Saint USA
StukCar2 8 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 3 2 Ferd Trauttmansdorff Canada
Lisa 22 1 1 0 0 0 0 10 6 6 Henning Klaskala Germany
Phred 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 10 Mike Carty USA
Novice Division History - Stocker Division
Car Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 11/12 12/24 01/21 02/18 03/17 Driver Country
Stalker 26 0 2 2 0 1 0 6 4 2 4 6 Patrick Tierney Canada
Tokkie 24 0 1 3 1 0 0 4 6 4 6 4 Hannes Nell S. Africa
Phred 29 2 0 0 3 0 0 3 3 3 10 10 Mike Carty USA
CoultSft 6 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 Graeme Weston-Lewis USA
This is the point standings for the Stocker Division.
Expert Class Point standings
Expert Division
Nicole Greiber 39 pts (Germany) Sticky
Randy Saint 18 pts (U.S.A.) RamStock
Henning Klaskala 22 pts (Germany) Lisa
Ferd Trautmansdorf 8 pts (Canada) StukCar2
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