& News About Upcoming Races
January 21, 1995
RARS is the Robot Auto Racing Simulation, a competition for
programmers and an on-going challenge for practicioners of Artificial
Intelligence and real-time adaptive optimal control. It consists of
a simulation of the physics of cars racing on a track, a graphic
display of the race, and a separate control program (robot "driver")
for each car. All RARS software and activities are free and open to
the public. It runs on DOS, Windows, OS/2, UNIX, Linux, and several
other platforms. For more information e-mail to m...@cac.psu.edu.
Todays Races
Preliminary lap times
January 21 Race Report
Authors Point Standings
Upcoming Races
Here is a repeat of the announcement about todays races:
January 21st, (Stocker Division Races)
No. of races 2 novice and 2 expert each division
Tracks: Fiorano and Adelaide
Laps: 40 each race
Software version: 0.64
Surface Type: 1
no practice, random starting order.
The drivers will be uploaded to ftp.ijs.com to a file called
driv0121.zip in 1-3 days. In the file you will find
Sticky, and RamStock. The directory is now called incoming.
Preliminary lap times
Car Laps Avg MPG Damage Fuel
Nov Lisa 7 68.58 127
Exp RamStock 7 66.85 127
Nov Phred 1 63.53 30000+ 143
Exp Sticky 7 63.17 2557 122
Nov StuckCar 2 62.88 30000+ 143
Nov Tokkie 1 61.49 30000+ 143
Nov Stalker 1 59.72 30000+ 143
Car Laps Avg MPG Damage Fuel
Nov Lisa 7 71.97 123
Nov StuckCar 7 71.24 123
Exp RamStock 7 69.83 8500 122
Nov Tokkie 7 69.10 120
Nov Stalker 7 68.40 120
Nov Phred 7 68.31 118
Exp Sticky 7 66.06 118
Preliminary Report
Phreds (Mike Carty) entry did not make it through legibly.
So I used his old driver, I also used Tokkie and Stalker from
the last stocker races.
Race Reports
First race, novices. I ran the experts along as traffic.
7 cars for 40 laps. The track was fiorano.trk. The drivers were:
StukCar2, RamStock, Sticky, Lisa, Stalker, Tokkie, and Phred.
The initial RVG seed was 12476.
results of race 1:
starting positions:
RamStock, Stalker, Sticky, StukCar2, Tokkie, Lisa, and Phred.
1 Lisa avg spd 68.73 40 laps 486 damage 24 fuel 10 pts accum
2 Sticky avg spd 62.55 21 laps 30013 damage 67 fuel 6 pts accum
3 RamStock avg spd 64.39 2 laps 30367 damage 141 fuel 4 pts accum
4 StukCar2 avg spd 63.12 2 laps 30870 damage 141 fuel 3 pts accum
5 Tokkie avg spd 62.21 2 laps 30114 damage 140 fuel 2 pts accum
6 Phred avg spd 60.16 1 laps 30320 damage 142 fuel 1 pts accum
7 Stalker avg spd 60.87 1 laps 37101 damage 143 fuel 0 pts accum
Lots of crashing. By lap 3 it was just Sticky and Lisa. Sticky
hits the wall even solo and it just got worse past lap 15. (Perhaps
the lower fuel?) Anyway a clear and easy win for Lisa.
Second race Novice.
7 cars for 40 laps. The track was adelaide.trk. The drivers were:
StukCar2, RamStock, Sticky, Lisa, Stalker, Tokkie, and Phred.
The initial RVG seed was 27686.
results of race 1:
starting positions:
Tokkie, Sticky, StukCar2, Phred, Lisa, Stalker, and RamStock.
1 Lisa avg spd 71.37 40 laps 13070 damage 145 fuel 10 pts accum
2 StukCar2 avg spd 69.81 40 laps 26633 damage 144 fuel 6 pts accum
3 Tokkie avg spd 68.23 39 laps 16722 damage 138 fuel 4 pts accum
4 Stalker avg spd 67.95 38 laps 23368 damage 137 fuel 3 pts accum
5 Phred avg spd 67.91 38 laps 1683 damage 128 fuel 2 pts accum
6 Sticky avg spd 65.65 37 laps 2103 damage 133 fuel 1 pts accum
7 RamStock avg spd 69.82 20 laps 30134 damage 67 fuel 0 pts accum
Just as the prelims predicted. Lisa was in front all the way.
StukCar was stuck behind Stalker for 20 laps or so. Thus he was much
farther away then might be thought.
Ramstock hit the outside wall near the ending 3 left turn section.
This does not bode well for the expert run.
StukCar2 and Lisa advance to experts.
Expert race 1: novices ran along as traffic
7 cars for 40 laps. The track was fiorano.trk. The drivers were:
StukCar2, RamStock, Sticky, Lisa, Stalker, Tokkie, and Phred.
The initial RVG seed was 13966.
results of race 1:
starting positions:
Phred, Stalker, Sticky, RamStock, Tokkie, StukCar2, and Lisa.
1 Lisa avg spd 68.68 41 laps 2970 damage 21 fuel 10 pts accum
2 RamStock avg spd 66.83 40 laps 4530 damage 24 fuel 6 pts accum
3 Sticky avg spd 62.84 22 laps 30046 damage 63 fuel 4 pts accum
4 Tokkie avg spd 62.48 2 laps 30458 damage 140 fuel 3 pts accum
5 Phred avg spd 65.33 1 laps 30051 damage 142 fuel 2 pts accum
6 Stalker avg spd 63.37 1 laps 30169 damage 144 fuel 1 pts accum
7 StukCar2 avg spd 62.91 1 laps 30534 damage 144 fuel 0 pts accum
No surprises here. Everything just as the prelims expected.
Second expert race:
7 cars for 40 laps. The track was adelaide.trk. The drivers were:
StukCar2, RamStock, Sticky, Lisa, Stalker, Tokkie, and Phred.
The initial RVG seed was 44336.
results of race 1:
starting positions:
StukCar2, RamStock, Lisa, Tokkie, Sticky, Stalker, and Phred.
1 Lisa avg spd 71.37 41 laps 7290 damage 141 fuel 10 pts accum
2 Tokkie avg spd 68.32 40 laps 10829 damage 134 fuel 6 pts accum
3 Stalker avg spd 68.21 39 laps 7976 damage 133 fuel 4 pts accum
4 Phred avg spd 67.91 39 laps 6523 damage 124 fuel 3 pts accum
5 Sticky avg spd 65.65 38 laps 5292 damage 129 fuel 2 pts accum
6 StukCar2 avg spd 70.71 33 laps 30520 damage 20 fuel 1 pts accum
7 RamStock avg spd 67.68 3 laps 30345 damage 134 fuel 0 pts accum
Ramstock when out quick, at the same point as last race (in novice).
StukCar2 was stuck again behind stalker, lapped him, and got
stuck again. Squeezed in between stalker and tokkie (who was also
stuck behind stalker) stukcar crashed out of the race. Lisa got the
lead early and never looked back.
Congratulations to Henning Klaskala for doing such a fine job on
a stocker car with Lisa. Expert in unlimited and stocker division.
Points for Day - Unlimited Division
Driver Race 1 Race 2 Total Seasons Seasons Total
Ramstock 6 3 9 4 10
Sticky 4 6 10 6 26
StukCar2 3 4 7 3 3
Lisa 10 10 20 10 10
StukCar2* 6 6 12 6 0 (moved to expert)
Lisa* 10 10 20 10 0 (moved to expert)
Stalker* 2 2 4 2 12
Tokkie 4 4 8 4 14
Phred 3 3 6 3 9
(* means has 1 win towards advancement to expert)
Expert Division History - Stocker Division
Car Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 11/12 12/24 01/21 Driver Country
Sticky 26 2 1 0 0 0 0 10 10 6 Nicole Greiber Germany
Ramstock 10 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 6 4 Randy Saint USA
StukCar2 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 Ferd Trauttmansdorff Canada
Lisa 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 10 Henning Klaskala Germany
Novice Division History - Stocker Division
Car Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 11/12 12/24 01/21 Driver Country
Stalker 12 0 1 1 0 1 0 6 4 2 Patrick Tierney Canada
Tokkie 14 0 0 2 1 0 0 4 6 4 Hannes Nell S. Africa
Phred 9 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 3 3 Mike Carty USA
This is the point standings for the Stocker Division.
Expert Class Point standings
Expert Division
Nicole Greiber 26 pts (Germany) Sticky
Randy Saint 10 pts (U.S.A.) RamStock
Henning Klaskala 10 pts (Germany) Lisa
Ferd Trautmansdorf 3 pts (Canada) StukCar2
Novice Division
Patrick Tierney* 12 pts (Canada) Stalker
Hannes Nell 14 pts (S. Africa) Tokkie
Mike Carty 9 pts (U.S.A.) Phred
(* means has 1 win towards advancement to expert)
Upcoming RARS Race Meets
RACING SCHEDULE (all races track surface 1)
February 4th, (Unlimited Division Races)
No. of races 2 novice and 2 expert each division
Tracks: Fiorano and Adelaide
Laps: 80 each race
Software version: 0.64
Surface Type: 1
no practice, random starting order.
February 18th, Fiorano and Adelaide Stocker Division Races, 40 laps
No. of races 2 novice and 2 stocker each division
Tracks: Fiorano and Adelaide
Laps: 40 each race
Software version: 0.64
Surface Type: 1
no practice, random starting order.
TENTATIVE RACING SCHEDULE (all races track surface 1)
March 3rd, "Back to the Beginning" Unlimited Division Races, ...
Stef2(15), oval2(20), v03(15), anew(8), speed2(10) and
zandvort(10). There were two races on each track (alternating
start positions). With these short races, perhaps collisions
won't govern the outcome.
March 17th, Fiorano and Adelaide Stocker Division Races, 40 laps
No. of races 2 novice and 2 stocker each division
Tracks: Fiorano and Adelaide
Laps: 40 each race
Software version: 0.64
Surface Type: 1
no practice, random starting order.
Future: Suggestions?
Comments from Ralph
Someone wrote me a letter saying that they had previously only
tested their cars for 4 laps or so. The race is for 40 laps
(or 80 laps for the unlimited), it seems to me that somewhere
along the line a test of that duration should be used.
I am tempted to remove all cars that can't make it for
7 laps as a way to de-randomize the results. Any nay-sayers?
Good luck and see you in two weeks.