Tired of racing offline... Want to try multiplayer but where to start?

Andre G

Tired of racing offline... Want to try multiplayer but where to start?

by Andre G » Fri, 06 Jun 2003 06:08:19

I just discovered this newsgroup and I now read it everyday.  You guys rock
and I have now discovered amazing WEB sites where I can download just about
everything (mods, patches, addons, cars, tracks, sounds,etc...).  I race
against AI a fair bit (Nascar 2003, F1 2002, SPGT, TOCA Race Driver and the
amazing GTR 2002 which I just installed a few days ago - my wife hasn`t seen
me since...) but now that I have a great system, video card, etc. I want to
start racing other people online.

Is there a place where beginners can race each other?  I don`t know or
understand yet all the car setups so I rarely go in the "garage" and tweak
my car.   So I don`t want to race "pros" who, as a result of their skills
and tweakings, would pass me and lap me constantly: what is the fun in that
(unless your the guy doing the passing of course)??  I want to learn the car
physics and setups but this will take a while and right now, I would prefer
to race people that are about the same level as me.   I tried online racing
way back when MTM2 was actually fun to race but the people I was racing were
so good that I could not imagine that they could do so well without cheating
somehow (looking back, perhaps they were!).  I think that is what put me off
multiplayer mode until now.   The more I am reading this group, the more I
see how fun it would be to join these races.   I don`t really care what I
race (F1, GTR, etc...) so I just need to be pointed in the right direction
to a place where I can join races and have some clean fun...



Tired of racing offline... Want to try multiplayer but where to start?

by Mar » Fri, 06 Jun 2003 17:30:48

> I just discovered this newsgroup and I now read it everyday.  You guys rock
> and I have now discovered amazing WEB sites where I can download just about
> everything (mods, patches, addons, cars, tracks, sounds,etc...).  I race
> against AI a fair bit (Nascar 2003, F1 2002, SPGT, TOCA Race Driver and the
> amazing GTR 2002 which I just installed a few days ago - my wife hasn`t seen
> me since...) but now that I have a great system, video card, etc. I want to
> start racing other people online.

Give us at V8 Thunder a try.  UK based, we run an ASCAR league using
N2003 with modded tracks to give cars more grip and less power to try
and give them a more ASA feel.

Fixed setups in the main Saturday event.

We also run Winston Cup on Wednesdays with open setups.

Hope This Helps :)


Mark Davison

Replying to this email will be futile.  Contact details are at the
above site.

Wayne Templi

Tired of racing offline... Want to try multiplayer but where to start?

by Wayne Templi » Fri, 06 Jun 2003 21:39:45

You can try Oscar at Online Racing.  They have a beginners
league for both fixed and open setups.  You have to pay to play.

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