following error message:
Error locating anim map file C:\sports car gt\chta\maps\flga00.bmp
I have scgt with the 1.51a patch and ban_scene patch.
I've tried a few other tracks and they seem to work fine.
Error locating anim map file C:\sports car gt\chta\maps\flga00.bmp
I have scgt with the 1.51a patch and ban_scene patch.
I've tried a few other tracks and they seem to work fine.
> > When I try to race at chatham I get kicked back to the desk top with
> the
> > following error message:
> > Error locating anim map file C:\sports car gt\chta\maps\flga00.bmp
> > I have scgt with the 1.51a patch and ban_scene patch.
> > I've tried a few other tracks and they seem to work fine.