> > I'm experiencing problems with significant frame rate slow down in
> > qualifying. Also I have problems with a 911GT included with the 1999
> > floating in mid air. I've reinstalled SCGT 1.52, applied the 1.551
> > then installed the 1999 ALMS carset and the AllDash patch. Listed
> is
> > my current
> > system config:
The problem with the car flying in the air is with the ALMS patch. One
.veh file is messed up. Find the problematic car (I found it easily
using the driver name, then the `search' function of win98 - *.veh
containg the text "driver name", then delete its .veh file or download a
new, stand alone. I am sorry, I dont remember what car it is (I reckon
it is a GT3-R), but you should be able to find it.
About the frame rate problem: it is a very well known issue of SCGT.
Somehow, the frame rate isn't stable under Qualif. Probably due to the
fact that all the cars are on the track at the same moment, but are
invisible to the eye of the player (unless you use the ext. camera
view(3), then switch car view (using 'B'). When you reach an'invisible'
car, it seems the game 'draws' it, the make it invisible again... I
don't know if you catch the figure, but that is the best way I can
explain it (English is not my mother tongue).
How to remedy: you made all you can: the 1.155151115551111555551111
patch was supposed to tackle this issue, but failed to do a reasonnable
work-around to it. So we are stuck with it... Sadly enough...
Happy qualif anyway! TIP: Do loooong races, you'll have plenty of time
to come back from the end of the pack!
> Problem with the cars flying is the file. I had some problems when I
> messing with Veh files and somehow had a car that would do these
> and quads that would leave a figure skater in awe. I deleted the car
> reworked the file and its fine now. I am not sure why it did it since
I am
> only learning to work with the veh files to make a bit more realistic
> files.
> > AMD K6/350 128MB ram, 3DFX Voodoo 3/3000, Win 98, DirectX 7.0a,
> > Wingman Formula
> > Any help would greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
> > Ivan
> I still have some slowdown problems, I think its due to all the cars
> on qual laps, but you do not see them and it does something processor
> I am running a P2 400 now, but my P233 did it really bad.
> Dave
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