you guys are too much 600mhz

mark jeangerar

you guys are too much 600mhz

by mark jeangerar » Wed, 20 Oct 1999 04:00:00

Why? !

Mark Jeangerard
New Mexico USA

> Don't buy that ***Mark!

> --
> Oliver Nikolic
> DP-MAX Computers
> BeoRocket Racing Team (retired)

> > That's very reassuring indeed.

> > --
> > Mark - A future Athlon owner


you guys are too much 600mhz

by Oli » Sun, 24 Oct 1999 04:00:00

Well coz none of the AMD processors could match Intel in performance and
compatibility so far... Dunno about the future and the Athlon but that's how
it was so far...
Just check how many guys here have problems and have the K6! Maybe the DX7
does wonder for AMD but I doubt it. Than again the AMD is much better than
the crapy Cyrix.
To avoid some crossfire here I"m not saying that the AMD products suck big
time it's just that I know Mark and what he needs from his rig...

Oliver Nikolic
DP-MAX Computers
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