As soon as ASUS makes a main board available (and isn't shivering from
Intel's 'pressure'), I'll put together an Athlon system.
Athlon boards are a bit too far and few in-between for me right now.
> Mitch, the reason for me using probably is that according to
> the Athlon is faster than the P3 at almost
> everything, so it's _probably_ faster than P3 in GPL and N3 too. You're
> right that we wont know until we start to see comparisons in this group,
> if we were betting, I'll bet on the Athlon.
> Actually I just visited Tom's page and it seems as if the floating point
> performance of an Athlon 500 is even better than the fastest P3, the P3
> 650... Here's the link -
> -.
> /Chrille, and dont forget that the Athlon is not as expensive as the P3
> "The important thing is not if we were right or wrong, but that we learned
> something."
> > Christer,
> > Why in the world would someone ask you for an opinion only to hear as a
> > response "Probably"? The AMD part may be faster on some of the "fixed"
> > benchmarks, but we'll see how it fares upon widespread adoption. It
> really
> > makes no difference whatsoever if a CPU is faster if it miserably fails
> > software/hardware compatablility. We know the P3's are fully compatable
> > now, not the "what if" of the Athlon.
> > Morris,
> > Pay no mind to some of the responses you recieved. Annononymity equals
> > bravery in an online forum. Take many of the same "flamers" in a one to
> one
> > confrontation and they will cower behind mommies shirt tail :-)
> > Enjoy that new "Kickin" system!
> > Mitch
> > > Why didn't you ask us which puter to buy before you went away and
> > the
> > > overprized P3?
> > >No, the Athlon 600 is probably faster...
> > > Ask here first, then buy