you guys are too much 600mhz

Thomas J.S. Brow

you guys are too much 600mhz

by Thomas J.S. Brow » Thu, 14 Oct 1999 04:00:00

Ever tried decaf??

> > tick tick tick.....

> Back at you pal, I don't see you fooling the grim reaper either, no
> matter how tiny flame you've got. Wouldn't want it any other way, for
> that matter.

> ---
> Antti Markus Peteri

>        15 miles. your dim light shines from so far away

>                                  - Soul Asylum, Promises Broken

Antti Markus Pete

you guys are too much 600mhz

by Antti Markus Pete » Thu, 14 Oct 1999 04:00:00

Can't say I have, don't care much for coffee.
Ever tried waking up?

Antti Markus Peteri

       15 miles. your dim light shines from so far away

                                 - Soul Asylum, Promises Broken

Mitch Alatorr

you guys are too much 600mhz

by Mitch Alatorr » Thu, 14 Oct 1999 04:00:00

Why in the world would someone ask you for an opinion only to hear as a
response "Probably"?  The AMD part may be faster on some of the "fixed"
benchmarks, but we'll see how it fares upon widespread adoption.  It really
makes no difference whatsoever if a CPU is faster if it miserably fails
software/hardware compatablility.  We know the P3's are fully compatable
now, not the "what if" of the Athlon.

Pay no mind to some of the responses you recieved.  Annononymity equals
bravery in an online forum.  Take many of the same "flamers" in a one to one
confrontation and they will cower behind mommies shirt tail :-)

Enjoy that new "Kickin" system!


Bob Curti

you guys are too much 600mhz

by Bob Curti » Thu, 14 Oct 1999 04:00:00

Oh, of course!  What am I thinking!!

> Because real sports cars are made in Italy !!! ;)

> --
> Ian Parker

> UKGPL League
> --

> > > /Chrille, I wont post here when I've ordered my Ferrari F355 Spider...
> Well
> > > okay, I might, cause I'm only human, but I wont get upset if you get
> rude...
> > > Okay, I might that too, cause again - I'm only human ;o)

> >  Only a Ferrari F355?  Why not a Ruf Porsche?  It's faster.

> > --
> > Bob Curtin
> > Worcester Area Strategy & Tactics Exchange
> >
> > "If God had intended men to join the Army he would have given us green,
> baggy
> > skin"

Bob Curtin
Worcester Area Strategy & Tactics Exchange
"If God had intended men to join the Army he would have given us green, baggy

you guys are too much 600mhz

by Oli » Thu, 14 Oct 1999 04:00:00

Hehe so true...

Oliver Nikolic
DP-MAX Computers
BeoRocket Racing Team (retired)

> Because real sports cars are made in Italy !!! ;)

> --
> Ian Parker

> UKGPL League


you guys are too much 600mhz

by Jalo » Fri, 15 Oct 1999 04:00:00

Oh here we go, off on another long tread.


you guys are too much 600mhz

by Jalo » Fri, 15 Oct 1999 04:00:00

I've got an Athlon, (550), It is very fast, and not just at benchmarks,
every game I have thrown at it I can run all settings max, and still get a
good frame rate (I had a PIII 450, and I can not say the same about it).
As far as hardware/software compatablility, it works with all the hardware I
had with the PIII, and all my games. I have not heard of any compatablilty
issues with the Athlon.

Clark Arche

you guys are too much 600mhz

by Clark Arche » Fri, 15 Oct 1999 04:00:00

A 'sports car' and a 'fast car' aren't always the same thing, eh?

> Because real sports cars are made in Italy !!! ;)

> --
> Ian Parker

> UKGPL League
> --

> > > /Chrille, I wont post here when I've ordered my Ferrari F355 Spider...
> Well
> > > okay, I might, cause I'm only human, but I wont get upset if you get
> rude...
> > > Okay, I might that too, cause again - I'm only human ;o)

> >  Only a Ferrari F355?  Why not a Ruf Porsche?  It's faster.

> > --
> > Bob Curtin
> > Worcester Area Strategy & Tactics Exchange
> >
> > "If God had intended men to join the Army he would have given us green,
> baggy
> > skin"


you guys are too much 600mhz

by Mark » Fri, 15 Oct 1999 04:00:00

He shoots, he scores!
Crowd goes wild!

Bye for now

Reading, UK

Sent via
Before you buy.

Mike Buckle

you guys are too much 600mhz

by Mike Buckle » Fri, 15 Oct 1999 04:00:00

Even on GPL with all graphics and all AI cars you get a good framerate?
Mike Buckley    
Cotswold Pig Development Co Ltd
Tel: +44 (0) 1472 371591  Fax: +44 (0) 1472 371208
Christer Andersso

you guys are too much 600mhz

by Christer Andersso » Fri, 15 Oct 1999 04:00:00

I have never understood why anyone would drink coffee wihtout caffeine in
it. What's the point? Coffee doesn't taste very good in the first place,
even when you're used to it, and believe me I've been drinking it since I
was seven, and without the caffeine you get a drink that doesn't do anything
for you and as an extra bonus it doesn't taste very well... It's like
cigarettes without nicotine. How stupid would it not be to smoke those???


>Ever tried decaf??

>> > tick tick tick.....

>> Back at you pal, I don't see you fooling the grim reaper either, no
>> matter how tiny flame you've got. Wouldn't want it any other way, for
>> that matter.

>> ---
>> Antti Markus Peteri

>>        15 miles. your dim light shines from so far away

>>                                  - Soul Asylum, Promises Broken


you guys are too much 600mhz

by Jalo » Sat, 16 Oct 1999 04:00:00

It never drops below 19 frames, even at the very start of a race with full
grid, max detail, and res set to 1280x1024 (at least at Monza, have not
tried other tracks yet).


you guys are too much 600mhz

by Larr » Tue, 19 Oct 1999 04:00:00

As soon as ASUS makes a main board available (and isn't shivering from
Intel's 'pressure'), I'll put together an Athlon system.

Athlon boards are a bit too far and few in-between for me right now.


> Mitch, the reason for me using probably is that according to
> the Athlon is faster than the P3 at almost
> everything, so it's _probably_ faster than P3 in GPL and N3 too. You're
> right that we wont know until we start to see comparisons in this group,
> if we were betting, I'll bet on the Athlon.

> Actually I just visited Tom's page and it seems as if the floating point
> performance of an Athlon 500 is even better than the fastest P3, the P3
> 650... Here's the link -
> -.

> /Chrille, and dont forget that the Athlon is not as expensive as the P3

> "The important thing is not if we were right or wrong, but that we learned
> something."

> > Christer,
> > Why in the world would someone ask you for an opinion only to hear as a
> > response "Probably"?  The AMD part may be faster on some of the "fixed"
> > benchmarks, but we'll see how it fares upon widespread adoption.  It
> really
> > makes no difference whatsoever if a CPU is faster if it miserably fails
> > software/hardware compatablility.  We know the P3's are fully compatable
> > now, not the "what if" of the Athlon.

> > Morris,
> > Pay no mind to some of the responses you recieved.  Annononymity equals
> > bravery in an online forum.  Take many of the same "flamers" in a one to
> one
> > confrontation and they will cower behind mommies shirt tail :-)

> > Enjoy that new "Kickin" system!

> > Mitch


> > > Why didn't you ask us which puter to buy before you went away and
> > the
> > > overprized P3?
> > >No, the Athlon 600 is probably faster...

> > > Ask here first, then buy

Mike Buckle

you guys are too much 600mhz

by Mike Buckle » Tue, 19 Oct 1999 04:00:00

I think ASUS do have a mainboard available. One company (in the UK at
least) I know of is doing Athlon/mobo combo's for :

500Mhz - 269ukp
550    - 335
600    - 444
650    - 539
includes coolermaster fan thingy.

Still too pricey for me but certainly seems the way to go rather than
PIII. if you're interested.
Mike Buckley    
Cotswold Pig Development Co Ltd
Tel: +44 (0) 1472 371591  Fax: +44 (0) 1472 371208

Goy Larse

you guys are too much 600mhz

by Goy Larse » Tue, 19 Oct 1999 04:00:00

> As soon as ASUS makes a main board available (and isn't shivering from
> Intel's 'pressure'), I'll put together an Athlon system.

This is how I feel too, I've used many different boards in my PC's over
the years, but somehow I always come back to ASUS, too bad Intel
(probably) scared them off the Athlon, but then again, the famous Tom
has praised AMD's products before....


Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy

"Team Mirage"
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