a way to get through winter! God Bless you Speedvision)
every 5 minutes there was a commercial for Test Drive 6.
When Speedvision premiered Grand Prix last year, all Sierra had to do
was show the movie intro for the sim and I guarentee you the Grand Prix
fans would have scooped that title up. Of course I'm not sure how many
would keep it after spinning off a dozen times in the first lap.
dave henrie
> Ermmmm
> I disagree whole-heartedly.
> There IS a mass market for realistic driving sims (F1 and otherwise), it's
> just that the doe-heads in marketing (ALL OF THEM in the F1 arena) seem to
> think that putting a full page adverti***t in a magazine that caters to
> the 14-20 yr old "flavour of the month" market will suffice in selling a
> game. This just isn't the case with simulations. They (the marketing
> doe-heads), seem content to ignore the very market that is growing at the
> largest rate, is MORE cash ready to purchased the equipment/game, is an
> instant "loyal client" upon satisfaction, and has the longest "shelf-life"
> participants..... the market OLDER than 20 yrs old.
> Don't blame anyone else but the marketing guys that have screwed it up for
> the game company, the avid end-users, and the programmers that WANT to make
> the games. I don't blame the "suits" for not wanting to make another
> "realistic" Sim based on the "box-office" failures of the past (GPL being
> perhaps the biggest).
> The "suits" are going to look at the numbers from GPL, and think that the
> market doesn't want a realistic sim... but the numbers are tainted because
> the marketing idiots didn't know their target market and squandered the
> money on useless advertising that had no impact on the QuakeIII fanatics.
> They should take a page out of the Flight Sims Marketers on how it's done
> properly, and successfully...
> My 2 cents that I hand out in frustration....
> Cheers,
> Shumi
> http://www.racesimcentral.net/
> > Lets face it.. .who can drive a GPL car straight out of the box?? Myabe
> > 1% of the population.
> > Translate that to an F1 car, who could drive an F1 sim that was TOTALLY
> > realistc.??
> > This is what we want., but I feel will never get.. Why?? Because the mass
> > market can't use it.
> > Software developers are in the business of making money.. that is IT...
> > So, they won't go making sims for a VERY neche (is that how you spell it?)
> > market that won't sell, and won't make money.
> > Grand Prix Legends I feel is the last TRUE sim we may ever see from mass
> > software houses. It was a financial failure and won't be repeated again.
> > BUT.. it may be possible to produce true sims by sim enthusiasts. I feel
> > this is the ONLY way we will ever see another GPL.
> > Just my 2 cents, but I think it makes a lot of sense :-)
> > James Pickard,
> > Melbourne,