love to race at Talledega. But I hate the way the field spreads out. The
AI don't seem to race like real racers do, all clustered up going three and
four wide in the corners. So,last night, I canged the AIs' stats to be the
same. 499-500 ,99-100,499-500, and 499-500. They seem to race much closer
this way. With these stat settings it does make it much much more fun to
race. But still can get streached out a bit. I was wondering which stat I
should change to get them even more bunched up.
Also I noticed that I get more effect from the draft when I'm behind a car
rather than in front of a car. From what I understand in the real world the
car that leads a draft gets as much effect as does the car in the middle or
the end. Is this normal for Sierra's NASCAR simulation?
Dom Tuso