Do you still use your original Nascar 2 cars ?
Money not spent on car chassis license is spent elsewhere on product
development. It's just a name change. Chassis1 will have the same
characteristics than Chevy had in N2. if you want you will be able to
change them to whatever you want, or to download carsets probably 2days
after the release hehe. And even transfer your N2 cars into N99.
Of course, licensing can change pretty quickly. But understand that in the
future more and more stuff like that will appear. MonacoGP has not even an
FIA license, you mean, what if Papyrus lost their NASCAR License heh ?? I
know many people would whine ;)
Oh and btw. headlights don't change nothing of the actual racing enjoyment
(sp?). You shouldn't see them while your racing remember !
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