> We are still trying to
>figure out if we'll let people edit the licensed drivers. Right now, we
>are leaning towards no.
I hope I read that wrong Adam, cause that one hurts REAL bad. The
ability to modify carsets and drivers allow Joe-blow-gamer to keep up
with the fantasy of racing. Being able to go and download a current
carset featuring the current drivers and cars of the racing season is
part of the enjoyment of the sim. The ability to use Nascar as a BGN
sim, a Truck sim, or a BTCC sim has been a huge selling point for the
Nascar sim, and a prime reason I keep painting these suckers every
week (ok, so I've been lazy lately Tony ;) )
If it sounds like what it sounds like...(<-?)...then we're locked in
the 96 season, and man, that just sucks... no 97 season drivers,
no updates, no feeling like your racing with the big boys of today,
etc. That's one of the things I hate about GP2, that your locked with
the 94 drivers unless someone starts hacking, and that's exactly
what's gonna happen if you keep the 96 season locked, someone's gonna
start hacking.
One of the things I hate about computer games is when the designers
start limiting the things the player can do to further the fantasy,
and force him or her to being stuck in a certain way. Please Please
Please allow the gamer to make his or her own choices, and don't force
them upon us.
What's the fun in being able to paint the other cars, if you're gonna
be stuck with the wrong driver in the car? Now, being able to edit
the current drivers bio and info, paint the car, and put a pic in for
him or her would be much better, and would allow for really
interesting caset ideas, and offline leagues could put pics and info
in for the drivers in the league. It would also be neat for online
leagues on Hawaii...
I hope that, in the least, you would be able to edit the info for
every driver in the set like you can now. even if you can't change
bio's and such, at least allow the user to change the name, car make,
etc. so that if said user chooses to keep up with the current season,
he can at least race with the correct drivers and cars.
Just my $.02
Hawaii Ace League - http://www.dithots.org/hal/welcome.shtml
Closed Beta Tester Hawaii Network - bsimpson online
"It's Always Darkest before it goes totally Black"