NASCAR 2 Screenshots (NEW!)

Tony Joh

NASCAR 2 Screenshots (NEW!)

by Tony Joh » Sat, 24 Aug 1996 04:00:00

Ladies and Gentlemen --

Any doubts anyone had about NASCAR 2 being a significant upgrade,
check out
PREVIEWS section.  There are some screen shots there that are forcing
me to eat crow right now (tastes great with salt).

Man, if ALL those cars look that good (see screen shot 4), IWCCCARS
may not be needed anymore.

IWCCCARS Project Coordinator

Vic Lombard

NASCAR 2 Screenshots (NEW!)

by Vic Lombard » Sat, 24 Aug 1996 04:00:00

Geez, Tony, you really sound like you want to hang it up! Only 32 of the
drivers will be represented, so there will be some cars to make. Also,
Papyrus sure isn't going to do any upgrades. The new paintkit should
provide us all with some new challenges, but just look what masterpieces
IWCCCARS can produce with the new palate. I'm not sure if there will be an
actual car set or a pool of single cars to select to qualify for each race,
so that may even justify doing the Bradberry 95, Skinner 31, Hornaday 14,
Little 97, MacDonald 78 and other "extras". We all still need IWCCCARS.

Tony Joh

NASCAR 2 Screenshots (NEW!)

by Tony Joh » Sun, 25 Aug 1996 04:00:00

sent shooting through ***space:

That's another issue for another post... <G>

Actually, if you look closely it's the exact same palette, just a
different interface.  Although with the scan detail apparent on the 16
car in shot #5, I'm wondering if the paintkit is now going to be
hi-res (which will clear up the scan quality immensely).

I've been wondering a little about how the cars will be organized.
Did you notice the hardcoded "bios" section in one of the screenshots?
It has me confused now about how Papy^H^H^H^HSierra is going to handle
the cars (are the 30 cars included hardcoded, etc.).

I dunno -- the current atmosphere around here was enough to do Jed in;
I hope it's a different story with us.

IWCCCARS Project Coordinator

Chuck Stuar

NASCAR 2 Screenshots (NEW!)

by Chuck Stuar » Sun, 25 Aug 1996 04:00:00

> Ladies and Gentlemen --

> Any doubts anyone had about NASCAR 2 being a significant upgrade,
> check out in the
> PREVIEWS section.  There are some screen shots there that are forcing
> me to eat crow right now (tastes great with salt).

> Man, if ALL those cars look that good (see screen shot 4), IWCCCARS
> may not be needed anymore.
> --

Also check out the features list. Image4 sure looks like a track editor.

Chuck Stuart - Mesquite TX USA

Keith Spero

NASCAR 2 Screenshots (NEW!)

by Keith Spero » Sun, 25 Aug 1996 04:00:00

On Sat, 24 Aug 1996 12:20:18 -0500,

>> Man, if ALL those cars look that good (see screen shot 4), IWCCCARS
>> may not be needed anymore.
>> --

Tony, are you crazy, what about when the cars they give us are
outdated? You can't just throw in the towel. (you're not planning to

Keith Speroni

Keith Spero

NASCAR 2 Screenshots (NEW!)

by Keith Spero » Sun, 25 Aug 1996 04:00:00

On Sat, 24 Aug 1996 12:20:18 -0500, Chuck Stuart

>> Ladies and Gentlemen --

>> Any doubts anyone had about NASCAR 2 being a significant upgrade,
>> check out in the
>> PREVIEWS section.  There are some screen shots there that are forcing
>> me to eat crow right now (tastes great with salt).

>> Man, if ALL those cars look that good (see screen shot 4), IWCCCARS
>> may not be needed anymore.
>> --

>Also check out the features list. Image4 sure looks like a track editor.

I think it looks more like the plans for Bristol and not a track
editor :-(

Keith Speroni

Kyle Langst

NASCAR 2 Screenshots (NEW!)

by Kyle Langst » Sun, 25 Aug 1996 04:00:00

>On Sat, 24 Aug 1996 12:20:18 -0500, Chuck Stuart

>>> Ladies and Gentlemen --

>>> Any doubts anyone had about NASCAR 2 being a significant upgrade,
>>> check out in the
>>> PREVIEWS section.  There are some screen shots there that are forcing
>>> me to eat crow right now (tastes great with salt).

>>> Man, if ALL those cars look that good (see screen shot 4), IWCCCARS
>>> may not be needed anymore.
>>> --

>>Also check out the features list. Image4 sure looks like a track editor.

>I think it looks more like the plans for Bristol and not a track
>editor :-(
>Keith Speroni

Actually it looks like a 3D ray-tracing of Dover.  Perhaps what the
design team's track editor looks like, but certainly not a feature of
the game.

Kyle Langston

Kyle Langst

NASCAR 2 Screenshots (NEW!)

by Kyle Langst » Sun, 25 Aug 1996 04:00:00

>sent shooting through ***space:
>>Geez, Tony, you really sound like you want to hang it up!
>That's another issue for another post... <G>
>>The new paintkit should
>>provide us all with some new challenges, but just look what masterpieces
>>IWCCCARS can produce with the new palate.
>Actually, if you look closely it's the exact same palette, just a
>different interface.  Although with the scan detail apparent on the 16
>car in shot #5, I'm wondering if the paintkit is now going to be
>hi-res (which will clear up the scan quality immensely).



>IWCCCARS Project Coordinator

It does mention that the Paintkit will be high-res.  Apparently the
low-res version in the current sim was thrown in at the last minute.
And something about 'auto-shading'.  Can someone explain that?

Kyle Langston

B.J. Vost

NASCAR 2 Screenshots (NEW!)

by B.J. Vost » Sun, 25 Aug 1996 04:00:00

> sent shooting through ***space:

> >Geez, Tony, you really sound like you want to hang it up!

> That's another issue for another post... <G>

> >The new paintkit should
> >provide us all with some new challenges, but just look what masterpieces
> >IWCCCARS can produce with the new palate.

> Actually, if you look closely it's the exact same palette, just a
> different interface.  Although with the scan detail apparent on the 16
> car in shot #5, I'm wondering if the paintkit is now going to be
> hi-res (which will clear up the scan quality immensely).

> >I'm not sure if there will be an
> >actual car set or a pool of single cars to select to qualify for each race,
> >so that may even justify doing the Bradberry 95, Skinner 31, Hornaday 14,
> >Little 97, MacDonald 78 and other "extras".

> I've been wondering a little about how the cars will be organized.
> Did you notice the hardcoded "bios" section in one of the screenshots?
> It has me confused now about how Papy^H^H^H^HSierra is going to handle
> the cars (are the 30 cars included hardcoded, etc.).

> >We all still need IWCCCARS.

> I dunno -- the current atmosphere around here was enough to do Jed in;
> I hope it's a different story with us.
> --

> IWCCCARS Project Coordinator
> Hawaii: IWCCCARS

Your actually even thinking about throwing in the towel?  Where will I
get my IROC sets?
B.J. "Macarena Hater" Vosti

Dole/Kemp in '96!

NASCAR 2 Screenshots (NEW!)

by zo.. » Sun, 25 Aug 1996 04:00:00


>Subject: Re: NASCAR 2 Screenshots (NEW!)
>Date: 23 Aug 1996 23:11:04 -0700
>Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
>Lines: 24

>X-Newsreader: Microsoft Internet News 4.70.1155

>> Ladies and Gentlemen --

>> Any doubts anyone had about NASCAR 2 being a significant upgrade,
>> check out in the
>> PREVIEWS section.  There are some screen shots there that are forcing
>> me to eat crow right now (tastes great with salt).

>> Man, if ALL those cars look that good (see screen shot 4), IWCCCARS
>> may not be needed anymore.

>Geez, Tony, you really sound like you want to hang it up! Only 32 of the
>drivers will be represented, so there will be some cars to make. Also,
>Papyrus sure isn't going to do any upgrades. The new paintkit should
>provide us all with some new challenges, but just look what masterpieces
>IWCCCARS can produce with the new palate. I'm not sure if there will be an
>actual car set or a pool of single cars to select to qualify for each race,
>so that may even justify doing the Bradberry 95, Skinner 31, Hornaday 14,
>Little 97, MacDonald 78 and other "extras". We all still need IWCCCARS.

Yeah Tony,

We LOVE IWCCARS and we NEED you!  All Papyrus will be doing is giving you guys
a head start!  Keep up the GREAT work!

Vic Lombard

NASCAR 2 Screenshots (NEW!)

by Vic Lombard » Sun, 25 Aug 1996 04:00:00

There's a big difference. IWCCCARS has been doing a great job and delivers
a great "product" and as long as you never promise a Daytona track (or any
other track), I think you'll have nothing to worry about. KEEP IWCCCARS


NASCAR 2 Screenshots (NEW!)

by k.. » Mon, 26 Aug 1996 04:00:00

I agree!  IWCCARS has been the best thing to happen to NASCAR Racing
since it was released.  There is no way that Papyrus will be able to
keep up with sponsor and driver changes, along with promotional paint
jobs and other additions to the world of NASCAR.  Tony, I know it's
tough to keep the project going, but please keep putting out great new
cars for the new version of NASCAR Racing.

Kirn Cromur

>> Ladies and Gentlemen --

>> Any doubts anyone had about NASCAR 2 being a significant upgrade,
>> check out in the
>> PREVIEWS section.  There are some screen shots there that are forcing
>> me to eat crow right now (tastes great with salt).

>> Man, if ALL those cars look that good (see screen shot 4), IWCCCARS
>> may not be needed anymore.

>Geez, Tony, you really sound like you want to hang it up! Only 32 of the
>drivers will be represented, so there will be some cars to make. Also,
>Papyrus sure isn't going to do any upgrades. The new paintkit should
>provide us all with some new challenges, but just look what masterpieces
>IWCCCARS can produce with the new palate. I'm not sure if there will be an
>actual car set or a pool of single cars to select to qualify for each race,
>so that may even justify doing the Bradberry 95, Skinner 31, Hornaday 14,
>Little 97, MacDonald 78 and other "extras". We all still need IWCCCARS.


NASCAR 2 Screenshots (NEW!)

by AdLevesq » Tue, 27 Aug 1996 04:00:00

Hi Tony,
     Well, we included the bios button so people can get more info about
their favorite drivers.  This will be a small paragraph about the driver.
We're also putting a team and career button.  The team will give a short
description of the driver's team (this really should be a seperate page,
but we ran out of time).  The career will list the driver's stats from
last year and a career total.  Now, when you create a new driver, all
these fields will be available for you to edit.  We are still trying to
figure out if we'll let people edit the licensed drivers.  Right now, we
are leaning towards no.


Doug Gre

NASCAR 2 Screenshots (NEW!)

by Doug Gre » Tue, 27 Aug 1996 04:00:00

 Please include as many editable items as possible! One of the biggest
things I think contributes to longevity and overall impression of
quality is when the manufacturer of a game allows great flexability.
 Just look at Doom, of course it was a breakthru product but do you
think it would have been as popular with no user created wad files?
 Grand Prix 2 is fantastic in many areas but look at where most
disscusion is, How to edit drivers and teams strength ......
 All leagues that use the software need the ability to have the
ability to edit drivers names and teams wherever they appear.
It is great to race against cars and drivers that compete in real
NASCAR, but  I for one enjoy offline leagues .  Editability is a major
quality issue and if you guys can then you should .

Doug Greer

Brian Simps

NASCAR 2 Screenshots (NEW!)

by Brian Simps » Wed, 28 Aug 1996 04:00:00

>  We are still trying to
>figure out if we'll let people edit the licensed drivers.  Right now, we
>are leaning towards no.


I hope I read that wrong Adam, cause that one hurts REAL bad.   The
ability to modify carsets and drivers allow  Joe-blow-gamer to keep up
with the fantasy of racing.  Being able to go and download a current
carset featuring the current drivers and cars of the racing season is
part of the enjoyment of the sim.  The ability to use Nascar as a BGN
sim, a Truck sim, or a BTCC sim has been a huge selling point for  the
Nascar sim, and a prime reason I keep painting these suckers every
week (ok, so I've been lazy lately Tony ;) )  

If it sounds like what it sounds like...(<-?)...then we're locked in
the 96 season, and man, that just sucks... no 97 season drivers,
no updates, no feeling like your racing with the big boys of today,
etc.  That's one of the things I hate about GP2, that your locked with
the 94 drivers unless someone starts hacking, and that's exactly
what's gonna happen if you keep the 96 season locked, someone's gonna
start hacking.

One of the things I hate about computer games is when the designers
start limiting the things the player can do to further the fantasy,
and force him or her to being stuck in a certain way.  Please Please
Please allow the gamer to make his or her own choices, and don't force
them upon us.

What's the fun in being able to paint the other cars, if you're gonna
be stuck with the wrong driver in the car?  Now, being able to edit
the current drivers bio and info, paint the car, and put a pic in for
him or her would be much better, and would allow for really
interesting caset ideas, and offline leagues could put pics and info
in for the drivers in the league.  It would also be neat for online
leagues on Hawaii...

I hope that, in the least, you would be able to edit the info for
every driver in the set like you can now.  even if you can't change
bio's and such, at least allow the user to change the name, car make,
etc. so that if said user chooses to keep up with the current season,
he can at least race with the correct drivers and cars.

Just my $.02

Hawaii Ace League -
Closed Beta Tester Hawaii Network  - bsimpson online
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